The stretch from “either/or” to “both/and” | #BritishColumbiaMedicalJournal #BCMJ “When we live with tension, we must stretch.
When we hold opposing views, we have the chance to stretch.
When we learn new things, we are given the opportunity to stretch.
When we decide to stretch, we grow.
When we choose to stretch, we understand.
When we know how to stretch, we balance.”
#britishcolumbiamedicaljournal #bcmj
Updated #guidelines on #colonoscopy surveillance | #BCMJ
“Recent evidence has demonstrated that individuals with low-risk #precancerous lesions that are resected during colonoscopy are not at significant risk of future #ColorectalCancer compared with the general population and do not require intense colonoscopy surveillance. Conversely, individuals with high-risk precancerous lesions that are removed appear to benefit from surveillance colonoscopy”
#guidelines #colonoscopy #bcmj #precancerous #colorectalcancer