Global News BC: BC Greens call for province-wide ‘universal’ school food program #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCuniversalfoodprogram #BCschoolfoodprogram #Canadafoodprograms #LiberalGovernment #B.C.GreenCaucus #BCfoodprogram #BCgovernment #BCGreenParty #Education #BCschools #Politics #BCGreens #Health #Canada #BCNDP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcuniversalfoodprogram #bcschoolfoodprogram #canadafoodprograms #liberalgovernment #b #bcfoodprogram #BCgovernment #BCGreenParty #education #BCschools #politics #bcgreens #health #Canada #bcndp
I still am unable to share photos of how #RCMP with OK from #BCNDP #NewDeathParty call to actions resulted in fucking #RCMPCIRG to tear apart the accessible bathrooms I designed - trauma lingers & I have a lawsuit still in the air.
We were the first to build accessible bathrooms in remote blockade camps. I built the very first fully accessible wellness centre at a blockade too.
#rcmp #bcndp #newdeathparty #rcmpcirg
Goodbye, to this freshwater pool. #BCNDP #NewDeathParty allowed clearcut logging to decimate this & a lot more.
This is now GONE. It's filled with clearcut logging debris & full of silt now. We tried to protect it from corporate greed but our government sleeps in same sleazy beds.
I'm so fucking upset. 3 of the accessible trails that I spent several months to build & spent months on collecting & cutting waste wood from ecocidal corporations - in same fucking beds with #BCNDP #NewDeathParty - are all fucking gone. Fuck these ecocidal asshats.
This was just unnecessary & targeted #ecocide #LoggerThugs ripping their rage out, against us #environmentalists 😪 We spent 3 months, building a low impact nature trail so ppl could visit more ancient trees. After we got violently extracted - they laughed & partied - as they ripped apart the low impact nature trails we spent several months to create.
We do what #BCgovernment #BCNDP #NEWDEATHPARTY fully failed to do!
#BCPoli #CanPoli #NewResistanceARMY #PNW #PacificNorthwest #StepUpOrShutUp
#ecocide #loggerthugs #environmentalists #bcgovernment #bcndp #newdeathparty #bcpoli #canpoli #newresistancearmy #pnw #pacificnorthwest #stepuporshutup
I identify as a loud mouthed squinty eyed #Teochew bitch with a lot to say about injustice. I also post a lot about my plants/garden, rewilding & conservation works, visual arts(my own & others), frequently share music, randomly share life experiences & am highly confrontational with bigots/racists - before I block their asshats. I'm a longtime #POC activist & don't tolerate sealioning or mansplaining or greenwashing douchenozzles.
I have MASS HATE ONS for #RCMP & #BCNDP #NewDeathParty 👊
#teochew #poc #rcmp #bcndp #newdeathparty
@akurjata Additionally, #BCNDP #NewDeathParty #BCgovernment allows Blue Triton to operate several plants in #BritishColumbia & most citizens here have no idea that it's owned by #Nestle . They're using that name to try & avoid ppl getting angry about them stealing our #water to bottle & sell to unaware ppl. It is pure evil.
Photo is from their plant in #HopeBC - security gates & cameras were up everywhere so I couldn't get into property.
#bcndp #newdeathparty #bcgovernment #britishcolumbia #nestle #water #HopeBC
@Kjl @stephanie FYI - In 2021, I got a letter from BC government telling me to please cease from tarnishing them online. Wtf?!? I responded by gathering up 45 ppl to protest & showed up with my invitation to talk to #NewDeathParty #BCNDP - they canceled less than 1 hr before our agreed meet time. John Horgan was always a fucking coward. You're a total FOOL if you ever supported that pathological lying sleazebucket.
If you're in #BritishColumbia - read this. Especially if you were ever a Horganized crimes against humanity supporter. For folks still unaware, past #BCNDP #BCPremier quit & used #cronyism to get his groomed guy Eby in. Horgan lied about why he quit & told public it was to take better care of his health & spend more time w/family. He's working as a #Coalindustry consultant now.
I predicted he'd #hoodwink ppl just like this, over 2 yrs ago. I predicted he'd lie/quit & work for #ecocidal corp.
#britishcolumbia #bcndp #bcpremier #cronyism #coalindustry #hoodwink #ecocidal
@Rod_Rescueman Many of my friends were evacuated from wildfires & don't know when they can return. My friends who lost their homes in last huge Lytton wildfires are still in motels & upset that #BCNDP #NewDeathParty has ignored them.
@BrentInMasto @Catawu Need link added. I was there for several months. Was assaulted, abused & kidnapped/released by RCMP CIRG in middle of nowhere, had thousands of my media gear & personal gear stolen & rest destroyed by RCMP telling their ecocidal buddies it was OK to run over my entire tent, contents & all - after telling me that I can come back to get my gear. They dropped charges despite me asking to be charged so I could go to court.
#BCNDP = #NewDeathParty & they're #neoliberals 🤮
#bcndp #newdeathparty #neoliberals
LOOKING AT #BonnieHenry in #BritishColumbia - who should be removed! We are literally paying for this woman's designer shoes. She's incompetent & screwed over #BritishColumbia citizens & heavily enabled by #AdrianDix & #JohnHorgan peons from #BCNDP #NewDeathParty
We'd be immediately fired from our jobs if we were even 1/10 as unethical & incompetent in our jobs. Apparently, in BC, under BC NDP, being incompetent & paid peon - you can be incompetent & dangerous to public & keep you job 🤡💩
#BonnieHenry #britishcolumbia #adriandix #JohnHorgan #bcndp #newdeathparty
This is/has happening in #BritishColumbia too - under #BCNDP #NewDeathParty #JohnHorgan & #neoliberal party loyalists. They all spent more time in backrooms taking #bribes than dealing w/citizens.
(The #NDP has a #lobbyist problem.
Many of the party’s top officials shuffle between employment at #lobbying firms and work on provincial and federal elections—and the priorities and perspectives of their day jobs are a key reason why the party runs such uninspiring campaigns.)
#britishcolumbia #bcndp #newdeathparty #JohnHorgan #neoliberal #bribes #ndp #lobbyist #lobbying
@wlonk Yikes! I believe it's actually one of a few new private clinics on #VancouverIsland that are violating federal health acts & #BCNDP #NewDeathParty doesn't care because they're trying to privatize our healthcare system.
#vancouverisland #bcndp #newdeathparty
I really wish #BClobbyingBot was on here. It did a great job on tracking #BCNDP & #BritishColumbia #politicians who spent years ignoring citizens & telling us they didn't have enough time to meet/talk to their own #constituents but they had more than enough time to meet & take bribes from #craptalism corporate #lobbyists in shady backroom deals.
Let's be real here. Backroom lobbyists deals are straight up #bribery of public office folks. #NDP in BC also turned #FOI into fee based structure 🤡
#bclobbyingbot #bcndp #britishcolumbia #politicians #constituents #craptalism #lobbyists #bribery #ndp #foi
An internal government document reveals how B.C., citing ‘significant impacts’ on forest sector jobs and provincial revenue, aims to prevent Ottawa from stepping in to save a species on the cusp of #Canadian #extinction
#EmergencyOrder #BCNDP #NewDeathParty #CorporateGreed #SpeciesAtRisk #WildlifeAtRisk #ecology #WildFirst #ProtectTheWild #StopEcocide #BritishColumbia #Canada #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #SpottedOwl #MassExtinction #birders #InternalDocuments
#canadian #extinction #emergencyorder #bcndp #newdeathparty #corporategreed #speciesatrisk #wildlifeatrisk #ecology #wildfirst #protectthewild #stopecocide #britishcolumbia #canada #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cascadia #spottedowl #massextinction #birders #internaldocuments
@vickietorious Some of my nurse & doctor friends have quit because #BonnieHenry & #BCNDP #NEWDEATHPARTY #AdrianDix removed all mandatory mask protections & we have important healthcare employees quitting because they're unwilling to keep risking their own lives when government treats them as expendable.
#BonnieHenry #bcndp #newdeathparty #adriandix
Global News BC: CEO pledges BC Ferries will do better, but admits company ‘running thin right now’ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #bcferrycorporation #longweekendtravel #canadadaytravel #nicholasjiminez #bcferryservice #NDPGovernment #BCFerriesCEO #ferrytravel #ferrychaos #BCFerries #CanadaDay #Politics #BCNDP #CEO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcferrycorporation #longweekendtravel #canadadaytravel #nicholasjiminez #bcferryservice #NDPGovernment #bcferriesceo #ferrytravel #ferrychaos #BCFerries #canadaday #politics #bcndp #ceo
Global News BC: B.C. gives NDP failing grade on key issues, but opposition not gaining traction: poll #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CostofLiving #BCpolitics #HealthCare #inflation #Politics #b.c.poll #BCUnited #politics #Housing #BCPoll #BCNDP #Poll
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #costofliving #BCpolitics #healthcare #Inflation #politics #b #BCUnited #housing #bcpoll #bcndp #Poll