Mal was Erfreuliches: neue Live-Musik von Black Country, New Road #blackcountrynewroad #bcnr in exzellenter Soundqualität auf YouTube:
The new Black Country, New Road live film is the perfect way to reintroduce the band.
Okay, we’ve reached the fag end of 2022, & my top 5 favourite #albumsof2022 are,
1. #AntsFromUpThere by #BlackCountyNewRoad (#BCNR)
2. #DragonNewWarmMountainIBelieveInYou by #BigThief
3. #ChloeAndTheNext20thCentury by #FatherJohnMisty
4. #ALightForAttractingAttention by #TheSmile
5. #CoolItDown - #YeahYeahYeahs
I’ve enjoyed the newest offerings from #SoccerMommy, #FirstAidKit, & #BethOrton. I’ve also found myself warming to #BeingFunnyInAForeignLanguage by #The1975.
#albumsof2022 #antsfromupthere #blackcountynewroad #bcnr #dragonnewwarmmountainibelieveinyou #bigthief #chloeandthenext20thcentury #fatherjohnmisty #alightforattractingattention #thesmile #coolitdown #yeahyeahyeahs #soccermommy #firstaidkit #bethorton #beingfunnyinaforeignlanguage #the1975 #music #bestof2022
Årets i mitt tycke tio bästa album. Placering 1 till 5.
1. Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There
2. The Smile - A Light for Attracting Attention
3. Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You
4. Beach House - Once Twice Melody
5. King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard - Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms And Lava
#kgatlw #beachhouse #bigthief #TheSmile #bcnr #aoty
Hi! My name is Sarah! I’m a 21 year old #autistic #Trans Woman from the East Coast of the US. My interests include #music #film #politics #literature #sports and much more!
My favorite bands are #blackmidi #BCNR #beatles
Favorite director is #kubrick
Favorite author is #orwell
Sports are #NFL (Commanders), #NBA (Bulls, Celtics), and #serieatim (AC Milan)
#serieatim #nba #NFL #orwell #kubrick #beatles #bcnr #blackmidi #sports #literature #Politics #Film #Music #Trans #autistic #Introduction
My 5 favourite albums of 2022 (alphabetically):
🐉 #BigThief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You
🐜 #BCNR - Ants From Up There
🦎 #KGATLW - Changes
⚽ #SportsTeam - Gulp!
🦵 #WetLeg - Wet Leg
My favourite song of 2022:
🏥 #KGATLW - Hypertension (from Laminated Denim)
#BigThief #bcnr #kgatlw #SportsTeam #WetLeg #music #bestof2022
Lazy Sunday evening & #listening to my favourite album of the year, perhaps even of the decade, #AntsFromUpThere by #BlackCountyNewRoad. Few recent albums have had this kind of impact - #ThePlaceWhereHeInsertedTheBlade is just heartbreaking & ecstatic by turn.
This is the boxset which includes live versions of some of the album - perhaps the only chance we might get to hear Isaac sing this stuff. The pressing is iffy in places, but generally well mastered.
#listening #antsfromupthere #blackcountynewroad #theplacewhereheinsertedtheblade #vinyl #amlistening #bcnr #music
I guess here are some of my interests in specifics:
and everything #indie! :)
#music #kinggizzard #bcnr #kendricklamar #mfdoom #film #goodfellas #parasite #davidlynch #scorcese #christmasvacation #gaming #cavestory #metalgearsolid #reddeadredemption #pokemon #thelongdark #hollowknight #indie