If you're in #BritishColumbia - read this. Especially if you were ever a Horganized crimes against humanity supporter. For folks still unaware, past #BCNDP #BCPremier quit & used #cronyism to get his groomed guy Eby in. Horgan lied about why he quit & told public it was to take better care of his health & spend more time w/family. He's working as a #Coalindustry consultant now.
I predicted he'd #hoodwink ppl just like this, over 2 yrs ago. I predicted he'd lie/quit & work for #ecocidal corp.
#britishcolumbia #bcndp #bcpremier #cronyism #coalindustry #hoodwink #ecocidal
#Angry #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #citizens pretty much ran them off.
The event was a #disaster for the #BCNDP government 🤣👍
The #public has a pretty good #BSdetector when it comes to #political #gobbledegook . And it was registering off the charts in #Nanaimo during the visit.
#NewDeathParty #LeadersInDeath #DavidEby #MikeFarnworth #BCpoli #CanPoli #Asshats #politicians #BCgovernment #SelloutPoliticians #LyingWankers #BCPremier #NotMyPremier #vanisle #karmic
#angry #vancouverisland #britishcolumbia #citizens #disaster #bcndp #public #bsdetector #political #gobbledegook #nanaimo #newdeathparty #leadersindeath #davideby #mikefarnworth #bcpoli #canpoli #asshats #politicians #bcgovernment #selloutpoliticians #lyingwankers #bcpremier #notmypremier #vanisle #karmic
#DavidEby is a #Horganized #manboy #groomed for years by #JohnHorgan - one of the #sleaziest people I've met in my life. Met this #corrupt #narcissistic #opportunist in 90s - #Reminding #BritishColumbia folks - he was a #CasinoLobbyist when I met him. Bribed via backroom #lobbying to shove slot machines & more casinos in places - when community stated they don't want them. Eby never added his #DaddyHorgan to his casino corruption #investigation & became #BCPremier in #kingmaking sleazy move.
#davideby #horganized #manboy #groomed #JohnHorgan #sleaziest #corrupt #narcissistic #opportunist #reminding #britishcolumbia #casinolobbyist #lobbying #daddyhorgan #investigation #bcpremier #kingmaking
Several #BritishColumbia #politicians who should be in #jail 👌Former #BCGovernment #BCNDP #BCPremier #JohnHorgan is one of those #PublicOffice #criminals who should actually be in jail instead of collecting a taxpayer funded 6 figures pension.
#EastIndian community who gave him anti-racism award in #Vancouver / #SurreyBC should be #ashamed of themselves but they don't care about #Indigenous #humanrights & I #LostRespect for their #capitalist assn. after seeing their #colonizer buttkissing BS 💩
#britishcolumbia #politicians #jail #bcgovernment #bcndp #bcpremier #JohnHorgan #publicoffice #criminals #eastindian #vancouver #surreybc #ashamed #indigenous #humanrights #lostrespect #capitalist #colonizer
@thetyee All this #destruction - #murder of #AncientForests is only possible because of the #greedy ; #exploitive #BCNDP #NewDeathParty leaders in #collusion with #CorporateGreed diseased #EcocidalManiacs & now led by #DavidEby ( #AntiDemocratic #SelloutCoward ) - sitting #BCPremier #Manbaby who was heavily #groomed by #JohnHorgan 💩 #PathologicalLiar & expert in #HorganizedCrimes against #humanity 🤥 #SuperSelloutBC is becoming #SuperUnnaturalBC .
#ForkedTongues should be exposed & cut out.
#destruction #murder #ancientforests #greedy #exploitive #bcndp #newdeathparty #collusion #corporategreed #ecocidalmaniacs #davideby #antidemocratic #selloutcoward #bcpremier #Manbaby #groomed #JohnHorgan #pathologicalliar #horganizedcrimes #humanity #superselloutbc #superunnaturalbc #forkedtongues
Some friends are due back in BC Supreme Court next month. For charges laid in 2021 - almost all arrests were illegal under federal & international laws - under #JohnHorgan #BCNDP #NewDeathParty leadership & with new #BCPremier being ok - violated international laws. #OldGrowth is still being #clearcut in #BritishColumbia as I type.
I'll be posting #drumming ceremony that I'm organizing for Feb. We'll also be honouring murdered POC teen at same bridge they killed her at.
#JohnHorgan #bcndp #newdeathparty #bcpremier #oldgrowth #clearcut #britishcolumbia #drumming