Tamil Nadu students refuse to eat breakfast prepared by Dalit cook, District Collector intervenes
Karur district collector Prabhushankar visited the Panchayat Union Primary School and warned the parents for practicing caste discrimination.
#TamilNadu #karur #TNBreakfastScheme #dalits #arunthathiyars #BCs #MBCs #untouchability #CasteDiscrimination #schools #education #india
#tamilnadu #Karur #tnbreakfastscheme #dalits #arunthathiyars #bcs #mbcs #untouchability #castediscrimination #schools #education #india
The folks at BCS (British Computing Society) Hertfordshire Chapter are having a Computing Fair at the Hatfield Campus of University of Hertfordshire with the Hertfordshire Computer Studies department on Saturday 23rd September more info here https://herts.bcs.org/events/programme-2022-2023/autumn-computer-fair-2023-and-agm/
A chance to see, and talk about, old computing kit.
The event is free and the web page says they are still accepting exhibitors so if you have some novel computing kit, anything from Raspberry Pi to a ZX-80 or a Drone to a PDP-11 then get in touch. There is no charge for exhibits either apparently.
#BCS #BCSHerts #UniversityofHertfordshire #Computers #RetroComputing #VintageComputing #Retro #Vintage
#bcs #bcsherts #universityofhertfordshire #computers #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #retro #vintage
First face to face gaming session after the holiday break and first time experiencing Dean Essig's BCS - specifically the two turns Battle of Lunéville from Arracourt. Very enjoyable experience (not just cause my Germans managed to hold on to the captured town despite a last minute assualt from the Americans.) Looking forward to play more of the system, which feels very suited to Vassal pbem as well - it doesn't scratch the OCS hitch, but the payback/invested time ratio feels great. #bcs #mmp
La Comisión Estatal de Búsqueda de Personas de #BCS, Solicita el valioso apoyo y colaboración de la ciudadanía para localizar a José Juan Maya Rodríguez. Cualquier información, puedes comunicarte al número 911, o al DAC: 800 4745 3227 (DENUNCIA ANÓNIMA CIUDADANA), o al correo: busqueda.personas@bcs.gob.mx
Who doesn't ship OfficerSecretary (Officer Saxton and Brenda) from Better Call Saul? #BetterCallSaul #BCS #OfficerSaxton #StoneyWestmoreland #Brenda #SarahMinnich
#bettercallsaul #bcs #officersaxton #stoneywestmoreland #brenda #sarahminnich
The only ship worth shipping is DorDoc (Doreen Valco and Dr. Diseth) from Better Call Saul. #BetterCallSaul #BCS #DoreenValco #JeanVillepique #DrDiseth #JohnJaret
#bettercallsaul #bcs #doreenvalco #jeanvillepique #drdiseth #johnjaret
If you have already started your apprenticeship, or if you have digital apprentices working for you, did you know that BCS has created free resources to support you?
Find out more here.
#apprenticeships #ITapprenticeships #endpointassessment #TonyTalksEPA #digitalskills #BCS
#apprenticeships #itapprenticeships #endpointassessment #tonytalksepa #digitalskills #bcs
Not anybody:
Absolutely not one individual:
Just get married already Werner Ziegler and Marco Salamanca from Better Call Saul. #BetterCallSaul #BCS #WernerZiegler #RainerBock #MarcoSalamanca #LuisMoncada
#bettercallsaul #bcs #wernerziegler #rainerbock #marcosalamanca #luismoncada
Why haven't Mrs. Siemasko and Blingy from Better Call Saul kissed yet? #BetterCallSaul #BCS #MrsSiemasko #TeddyEggleston #Blingy #KeiLynDurrelJones
#bettercallsaul #bcs #mrssiemasko #teddyeggleston #blingy #keilyndurreljones
Buddy and Marion from Better Call Saul. That's it. That's the tweet. #BetterCallSaul #BCS #Buddy #MaxBickelhaup #Marion #CarolBurnett
#bettercallsaul #bcs #buddy #maxbickelhaup #marion #carolburnett
Everyone just wants Phil Jergens and Glenn from Better Call Saul to snuggle. #BetterCallSaul #BCS #PhilJergens #GeoffreyPomeroy #Glenn #AlvinCowan
#bettercallsaul #bcs #philjergens #geoffreypomeroy #glenn #alvincowan
Absolutely not a single person:
Lydia Rodarte-Quayle and Arlo from Better Call Saul should posilutely kiss! #BetterCallSaul #BCS #LydiaRodarteQuayle #LauraFraser #Arlo #SpenserGranese
#bettercallsaul #bcs #lydiarodartequayle #laurafraser #arlo #spensergranese
We all agree that Pat Malakovsky and Sobchak are the greatest couple on Better Call Saul. #BetterCallSaul #BCS #PatMalakovsky #AshantiCook #Sobchak #StevenOgg
#bettercallsaul #bcs #patmalakovsky #ashanticook #Sobchak #stevenogg
Sign our open letter on the future of AI
Our aim is to unite the professional community of technologists behind shared standards of technical and ethical practice in AI.
We want AI to be a force for good, transforming every area of our lives from healthcare to the workplace.
#artificialintelligence #ai #TechforGood #BCS #ethics #professionalism
#artificialintelligence #AI #techforgood #bcs #ethics #professionalism
The BCS Line-Manager Toolkit webinar is for Line Managers of IT & Digital Apprentices to help them better understand their role in apprenticeships and share some tips on supporting apprentices in the workplace.
Attendees will also be given access to the exclusive online BCS Line Manager Toolkit.
Managing a digital apprentice – the BCS Line-Manager Toolkit
Thu 20 Jul 2023 at 09:30
#apprenticeships #BCS #digitalskills #CPD #endpointassessment #tonytalksEPA #techskills
#apprenticeships #bcs #digitalskills #CPD #endpointassessment #tonytalksepa #techskills
😁 We just want Marshall Joseph Dixon and Skippy from Better Call Saul to canoodle. #BetterCallSaul #BCS #CameraGuy #JoeyDixon #JoshFadem #Skippy #CoryChapman
#bettercallsaul #bcs #cameraguy #joeydixon #joshfadem #Skippy #corychapman
It’s not earth-shattering, but I’m happy to support my professional body on this.
Update nach fast einem Monat Deutschlandticket:
+ Route von #BRU nach #BFG
+ Route von #BSN nach #BLS
+ Route von #BLS nach #WZS
+ Route von #WZS nach #WAB über #WHF
+ Route von #BLS nach #LF
+ Route von #BEB nach #BEW (ja, das kleine Stück fehlte mir wirklich noch)
+ Route von #LL nach #BRU
+ Route von #BCS nach #LF
+ Route von #LM nach #LH
+ Route von #LHNZ nach #LBOR über #LH, #LSD und #LL
+ Route von #HB nach #HLUN
idk ob ich noch was vergessen hab xd
#bru #bfg #bsn #BLS #wzs #wab #whf #lf #beb #bew #ll #bcs #lm #lh #lhnz #lbor #lsd #hb #hlun