Global News BC: B.C. promised a ‘Silver Alert’ system for missing seniors with dementia. Where is it? #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCalertformissingpeoplewithdementia #Missingpersonwithdementia #BCNDPcampaignpromises #BCSilverAlertcampaign #Alzheimer'sDisease #BCSearchAndRescue #BCmissingperson #MikeFarnworth #SilverAlert #BCmissing #Politics #Dementia #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcalertformissingpeoplewithdementia #missingpersonwithdementia #bcndpcampaignpromises #bcsilveralertcampaign #alzheimer #bcsearchandrescue #BCmissingperson #MikeFarnworth #silveralert #BCmissing #politics #dementia #Canada
Global News BC: Lost hikers brought to safety near Vernon, B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vernonsearchandrescue #BCSearchAndRescue #MonasheeLaketrail #helicopterrescue #NorthOkanagan #PinnacleLake #Losthikers #Canada #Vernon
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vernonsearchandrescue #bcsearchandrescue #monasheelaketrail #helicopterrescue #NorthOkanagan #pinnaclelake #losthikers #Canada #Vernon
Global News BC: As wildfire season kicks off in B.C., coveted night-vision helicopter goes to Alberta #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #nightvisionhelicopter #BCSearchAndRescue #BCWildfireService #NorthShoreRescue #TalonHelicopters #BruceRalston #nightvision #BCwildlife #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nightvisionhelicopter #bcsearchandrescue #bcwildfireservice #NorthShoreRescue #talonhelicopters #BruceRalston #nightvision #BCwildlife #fire
Global News BC: B.C. search and rescue volunteers take park in rope rescue training in Kelowna #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #centralokanagansearchandrescue #MyraCanyonAdventurePark #RopeRescueTraining #BCSearchAndRescue #centralokanagan #princegeorgesar #PrinceGeorge #Myracanyon #roperescue #Kelowna #Canada #COSAR #HOPE
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #centralokanagansearchandrescue #myracanyonadventurepark #roperescuetraining #bcsearchandrescue #centralokanagan #princegeorgesar #PrinceGeorge #myracanyon #roperescue #kelowna #Canada #cosar #hope
Global News BC: BC Search and Rescue calls fall to pre-pandemic levels, but still trending up #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Searchandrescuecallsdown #BCSearchAndRescue #NorthShoreRescue #BCrescuecalls #BCVolunteers #Environment #BCrescues #BcRescue #Canada #BCSAR
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #searchandrescuecallsdown #bcsearchandrescue #NorthShoreRescue #bcrescuecalls #bcvolunteers #environment #bcrescues #BcRescue #Canada #bcsar
Arrowsmith SAR had a call-out this evening for a person who got lost looking for the lost dog. The person was quickly found, the dog is still missing.
#bcsearchandrescue #searchandrescue
Anne Gallup wants to find her family dog to take back to her two young children and was back out searching between snow storms on Friday.
Gallup, who lives in Duncan, was visiting her parents in Errington for Family Day when a walk through Englishman River Falls Provincial Park Monday morning ended in panic after her dog Harley ran off.
Arrowsmith Search and Rescue was in the park Thursday checking a steep cliff where Harley could have gone.
2 more dead in another avalanche.
A group of five snowboarders and one skier were caught in an avalanche in an area known as Terminator 2.5, outside of a ski area boundary near Golden, BC.
#bcsearchandrescue #searchandrescue
Global News BC: B.C. doctor says better health-care services needed on search and rescue missions #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #B.C.MinisterofEmergencyManagement #BCSearchAndRescue #NorthShoreRescue #SearchandRescue #Volunteerdoctor #BCfundingcalls #Nighttimehoist #BCgovernment #VolunteerSAR #BCdoctor #BowinnMa #LionsBay #Canada #Health #SAR #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #b #bcsearchandrescue #NorthShoreRescue #searchandrescue #volunteerdoctor #bcfundingcalls #nighttimehoist #BCgovernment #volunteersar #BCdoctor #bowinnma #lionsbay #Canada #health #SAR #BC
A B.C. couple and their four-year-old child are recovering after getting lost while hiking on Sumas Mountain on Sunday and spending a night in the cold and rain.
Central Fraser Valley Search and Rescue says the family had to be rescued by helicopter because the mother suffered a pelvic injury and could no longer move on her own.
#bcsearchandrescue #searchandrescue
Two skiers were buried and killed by an avalanche south of Tatla Lake in central B.C. on Saturday (Feb. 11).
#bcsearchandrescue #searchandrescue #avalanche
A coordinated search and rescue response and a lot of luck saved the life of a man who spent a sea-soaked night on Sechelt Inlet’s Poise Island after his boat was swamped Sunday evening.
#bcsearchandrescue #searchandrescue
Close call in an avalanche - skier buried -"We extricated him, cleared his airway and started CPR as he was unresponsive, non breathing and really Cyanotic. Performed CPR for 10 min, got a pulse and he started breathing."
#bcsearchandrescue #searchandrescue
On Monday, Dec. 19, nine days after Melissa was to begin her Christmas journey home to Haywood County, the search ended. Volunteers from as far as 400 miles away had amassed more than 7,000 hours looking for Melissa in what’s being called the largest search and rescue operation in the history of Vancouver Island.
#bcsearchandrescue #searchandrescue
The Ten Essentials are Still Essential: And so are Responsible Headlines
#searchandrescue #bcsearchandrescue
Global News BC: B.C. Search and Rescue refutes study that 10 essential items not necessary for hiking #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #B.C.SearchandRescueAssociation #10essentialhikeritems #BCSearchAndRescue #SearchandRescue #BCBackcountry #Environment #hikingstudy #Education #BCHiking #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #b #10essentialhikeritems #bcsearchandrescue #searchandrescue #BCBackcountry #environment #hikingstudy #education #bchiking #BC
An interesting but problematic research article on being prepared for a hike.
Rethinking hiker preparedness: Association of carrying “10 essentials” with adverse events and satisfaction among day-hikers
#bcsearchandrescue #searchandrescue
Global News BC: Lost in the woods? Stay put and call 911, says B.C. Search and Rescue #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCoutdoorawareness #BCSearchAndRescue #BCAdventureSmart #outdoorawareness #SearchandRescue #AdventureSmart #BCBackcountry #OutdoorSafety #STOPprogram #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcoutdoorawareness #bcsearchandrescue #bcadventuresmart #outdoorawareness #searchandrescue #adventuresmart #BCBackcountry #outdoorsafety #stopprogram #Canada
A quick search and rescue task last night. A dementia patient went missing at 1530 but the SAR group wasn't called until 1900. We had just started practice when the call came so we headed out to the last known point (LKP) of the subject. A SAR volunteers who wasn't at practice walked out of his house to go to the task and found the subject walking in front of his house - 5km away from the LKP. We're taught to search on the way to the scene and it works.
#bcsearchandrescue #searchandrescue