Rico_Roswall · @ricoroswallpedersen
57 followers · 533 posts · Server mastodon.nu

👍 When we .

“it (, ed.) goes into the bloodstream and is one of the few substances that can pass the barrier up to the brain, where it affects our hippocampus and makes that part of the brain grow.

»We have always heard from people that they get these feelings when they move, but now we are beginning to understand why«”.

(translated from Danish to English by Bing)


#hippocampus #walking #health #bdnf #walk

Last updated 1 year ago

Luis :verified: · @Iberiancitizen
94 followers · 357 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

Las neurotrofinas que aumentan por el ejercicio promueven la neurogénesis, la mielinización, el número y función de sinapsis, mejoran la salud vascular cerebral y brindan protección al sistema neuromuscular💪🧠💡


#bdnf #alzheimer #parkinson

Last updated 2 years ago