Season's Greetings from - the world's first and (currently) only based on the network.

The software is a customized version of the original 4.1 code for which I extended to feature: a simple SysOp <-> User chat, support for Mr. Gelee's 4x 7-segemnt LED module for RC2014 (to display the active user number and activity locally), a Testfiles section and several bugfixes.

You can to it on:

rc2014 (dot) ddns (dot) net : 2014

Please keep in mind that this is a single-user system, so if you get a *BUSY* message, try again later as someone else is already logged in.

#rcbox #rc2014bbs #rc2014 #bulletinboardsystem #bbs #rbbs #bdsc #cpm #telnet

Last updated 2 years ago

Those of you who know (and care) about it: I've done some minor changes to the RBSS4.1 codebase I am maintaining and which are now live on "RC-BOX" (see my profile on information how to connect)

I've re-mapped some of the keys, wrote a new bulletin file (after more than a year, heh) but the hottest change is that I've sort of pimped the message select prompt. I think it now better explains how to use it and you can now see the total number of messages in the current board as well as opt out by pressing 'q' to quit.

#rc2014bbs #bbs #bdsc #cpm #rc2014

Last updated 2 years ago

Eventually found some time during lunch break to add some changes to my modified RBBS4.1 BDS-C source code for build. I've moved the ouput of the "BULLETINS.CCC" file beyond the login, so that you will now have to log in in order to get the bulletin shown (first thing shown after successful login). Before, the bulletins file was shown immediately after the logon banner and before the login prompt.

With the recent changes, the banner isn't "lost" due to it being scrolled upwards by the bulletin file.

Also introduced a new getpaue() function which shows a simple "[Press a key to continue!]" prompt.

Don't hurry, though - I'll probably roll out these changes to "RC-BOX" by tomorrow noon (CET).

Heck, coding on a CP/M machine (especially one built by one's own hands) is so much fun, really!

#cpm #bbs #rc2014 #rc2014bbs #bdsc

Last updated 2 years ago