Yeah, Ted McClelland did a version of this for The #BeachwoodReporter in 2006:
Actual Crank Calls to Misleadingly Named Suburbs
There Are No Hills In Orland Hills – #ChicagoMagazine 2023
#beachwoodreporter #chicagomagazine
From the archives of my former platform, the #beachwoodreporter, from Oct. 2020, 1st in a series of articles on the BS that gets baked into Chicago Architecture Tours by dubious vendors. "Confessions of a Chicago Tour Guide: Busting the Myths." #chicago #architecture #tourguide
#beachwoodreporter #chicago #architecture #TourGuide
Whenever we're about you hear the people shout: John Jacob Jingle Mastodon EVERYBODY NOW #beachwoodreporter