Enjoy a summer walk in Seattle from Beacon Hill's Jefferson Park into SODO using a unique route in my new video.
Whew, it's been a while since I last made a video! July was super busy with leading rides & other fun, but I'm hoping to get back to working on some of my current projects.
#Seattle #BeaconHill #SODO #Walk #SEAwalks #WalkVideo
#seattle #beaconhill #sodo #walk #seawalks #walkvideo
Posting on behalf of Beacon Hill Safe Streets:
Fresh new outdoor covered bike parking is coming to Kimball ES! While the project is still under construction, we are excited that students will be able to safely store their bikes/scooters/etc.
Pics show how students will access the bike parking from 23rd & Hanford
#SEAbikes #BikeTooter #Seattle #BeaconHill #SafeRoutesToSchool
#seabikes #BikeTooter #seattle #beaconhill #saferoutestoschool
I was curious about the stairways & sidewalk around Columbian Way & I-5, so I did a walk from Jefferson Park to the SODO light rail station
-artichoke thistle in Beacon Food Forest
-I survived the multiple overpasses
-Old Rainier Brewery very colorful
-“Eat, Drink, and Be Merry” photobombed by a light rail train
#Seattle #BeaconHill #SODO #Walk #SEAwalks
#seattle #beaconhill #sodo #walk #seawalks
#bostonbrahmins #federalistarchitecture #beaconhill #boston
I attended @BHSafeStreets Safety Improvements Celebration this afternoon; great to see folks like @Stumptoemerald & @BeaconHillBikeDad who I’m sure also brought an extra set of flashing beacons w everything else in his bottomless cargo bike. We’ll find out speeding stats later
Improvements included:
-speed cushions on both 14th Ave & 15th Ave
-paint & flexpost curb bulbs
-new painted crosswalks with flashing beacon lights
#SEAbikes #Seattle #BeaconHill #BikeTooter #VisionZero
#seabikes #seattle #beaconhill #BikeTooter #visionzero
I was surprised yet pleased yesterday to find that SDOT had installed speed cushions on 14th Ave S between College St & Massachusetts St on Beacon Hill a week earlier than scheduled; thank you!
Check them out!
#BeaconHill #Seattle #VisionZero #TrafficCalming
#beaconhill #seattle #visionzero #trafficcalming
Lights. Camera. Flashing lights!
I walked around Beacon Hill to watch final 9 pm sunset, then I saw new flashing beacons were installed along 15th Ave S at 14th Ave, Plum St, & Hill St, & they work! Good to see better pedestrian infrastructure going in #Seattle #VisionZero #BeaconHill
#seattle #visionzero #beaconhill
@seabikeblog /2 Update after I checked it out this afternoon:
More markings were added on 15th Ave S, nothing yet on 14th Ave (still weeks away):
-speed cushions will be installed this weekend
-curb bulbs will be added to daylight intersections (city law requires parked vehicles to be 30 ft from corner)
-map of installations
#seattle #beaconhill #visionzero
News -- Folio to open at the Boston Athenaeum in Boston's Beacon Hill neighborhood. https://bostonrestaurants.blogspot.com/2023/06/folio-to-open-at-boston-athenaeum-in.html
#restaurant #boston #beaconhill
Beacon Hill #SEAbikes news: SDOT is installing speed cushions on 15th Ave S (thanks for the tip @Stumptoemerald )! This section has rampant speeding by drivers, so these speed cushions should help keep our neighbors safer
-15th Ave traffic calming was originally planned for spring, now being installed in summer
-PBL is still in design, planned for construction in 2024
Project page: https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bike-program/protected-bike-lanes/beacon-hill-bike-route
#BikeTooter #BeaconHill #Seattle #VisionZero
#seabikes #BikeTooter #beaconhill #seattle #visionzero
Walked through the old neighborhood.
#BeaconHill #Boston
(That yellow house is the MA State House at the end of this street)
Maybe it’s Zelda on my mind, but parts of the Chief Sealth Trail certainly resembled Hyrule; anyways, the scenery was beautiful on Beacon Hill #SEAbikes #BikeTooter #Seattle #BeaconHill
#seabikes #BikeTooter #seattle #beaconhill
Had a pleasant walk nearly the length of Beacon Hill and back, just enjoying all the flowers grown by neighbors while going down unfamiliar streets on a gorgeous afternoon. Also, someone yelled “Hi, Bob!” from the window of a passing vehicle; I don’t know who, but I waved back 👋🏻
#Seattle #BeaconHill #walk
Transit + kitty day: I took my 3 year old cat Foggy on @kingcountymetro to get to our veterinarian for his annual visit & back to Beacon Hill. Foggy cried during some of it (he hates being in the cat carrier), but our vet said he’s healthy, & taking RapidRide H is awesome with its bus lanes! Took routes 36 & H to the vet, H & 60 back
#CatsOfMastodon #TransitKitty #Seattle #Burien #RapidRide #BeaconHill
#CatsOfMastodon #transitkitty #seattle #burien #rapidride #beaconhill
I was curious yesterday evening about the incoming covered bike racks for Kimball ES on Beacon Hill that are being installed as part of the school construction project. It’s looking good, and I’m glad that the design departure request to not have covered bike parking was denied back in 2020.
School reconstruction project page:
#Seattle #BeaconHill #BikeTooter #SEAbikes #SafeRoutesToSchool #SeattlePublicSchools @seabikeblog
#seattle #beaconhill #BikeTooter #seabikes #saferoutestoschool #seattlepublicschools
Thank you to everyone at Beacon Hill Safe Streets who put this together yesterday including @owen @kohidave @Stumptoemerald ! I stopped by briefly and heard that a lot of neighbors biking (& some walking/rolling) stopped by to learn about the 15th Ave S & Beacon Ave project #SEAbikes #BikeTooter #Seattle #BeaconHill #VisionZero
#seabikes #BikeTooter #seattle #beaconhill #visionzero
Beacon Hill Safe Streets is hosting a Celebration Station Friday for #BikeEverywhereDay @CascadeBicycleClub ! We'll be at the south end of the José Rizal Bridge on the west side of 12th Ave from 2-6 pm w swag from Fehr & Peers.
Stop by & learn about our efforts to make cycling safer in Beacon Hill
#SEAbikes #BikeTooter #BeaconHill #Seattle #VisionZero
#bikeeverywhereday #seabikes #BikeTooter #beaconhill #seattle #visionzero
3/3 A few final pics of #SeattleStreetFixers #TooleDesign crossover cleanup
-we also cleared this stairway at Beacon Ave/College St that had blackberry vines growing over parts of the railing
-you can see the areas of the sidewalk that were previously covered in soil; some parts were 1/2 covered!
#Seattle #BeaconHill #sidewalk #cleanup
#SeattleStreetFixers #tooledesign #seattle #beaconhill #sidewalk #cleanup
2/3 More pics of #SeattleStreetFixers & #TooleDesign crossover cleanup
The group worked pretty fast, going down the hill while cutting back overgrowth, shoveling soil off the sidewalk, & raking/brushing debris
#Seattle #BeaconHill #sidewalk #cleanup
#SeattleStreetFixers #tooledesign #seattle #beaconhill #sidewalk #cleanup
1/3 Thank you everyone who joined Seattle Street Fixers as we teamed up with Toole Design including @NickSattele @QueerQuantSam to clear 1/4 mile of Beacon Ave sidewalk between 13th Ave & I-90 Trail! Thanks @jrock08 for setting this up
-teamwork FTW
-group zooming downhill
-local resident supervised us
-before/after comparison
#Seattle #BeaconHill #sidewalk #cleanup #SeattleStreetFixers #TooleDesign
#seattle #beaconhill #sidewalk #cleanup #SeattleStreetFixers #tooledesign