Day 28 | Maroni Retreat & Club Edition Finesse | steel work for the next two pins > slowly we reinforce and underpin total of 16m of old buildings to prepare for the wine cellar of the wine library #editionfinese
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#renovation #renovationproject #renovationdairy #bautagebuch #begrateful #seieinheld #seieinfilotimo #cyprus #zypern #paxation #beafilotimo
#editionfinese #renovation #renovationproject #renovationdairy #bautagebuch #begrateful #seieinheld #seieinfilotimo #Cyprus #zypern #paxation #beafilotimo
Day 27 | Maroni Retreat & Club Edition Finesse | work is done for the next two pins
It is not the beauty of a building you should look at first; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time. (It will preserve the beauty of the building)
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#renovation #renovationproject #renovationdairy #bautagebuch #begrateful #seieinheld #seieinfilotimo #cyprus #zypern #editionfinesse #paxation #beafilotimo
#renovation #renovationproject #renovationdairy #bautagebuch #begrateful #seieinheld #seieinfilotimo #Cyprus #zypern #editionfinesse #paxation #beafilotimo