Seperis · @seperis
145 followers · 588 posts · Server


So here's what I learned about installation:
1.) There are a set of scripts stored in multiple BeagleBoard-specific folders (cloud9 for one) and linked to BeagleBoard specific packages that if you uninstall, you will lose.
2.) Uninstalling even one of those specific BeagleBoard packages can-0-for some reason--lead to apt uninstalling one, some, or all of them including those scripts. I did not experiment past the first time that happened.


Last updated 1 year ago

Seperis · @seperis
145 followers · 587 posts · Server

Returning to and the now:

Specifically, those capes.

I'm going to sit down and try to go through the scripts but honestly, it's such a part of the specific Beagle portion of the entire OS infrastructure I'd probably need someone who works on the OS and Beagle itself to walk me through this.

Due to character limits, I'm going to start a new set of posts for this under

#beagleboneblack #beagleboard #beagleboardcapes

Last updated 1 year ago