“Found it built of brick and left it in marble” -Augustus
Leave the world a better place than how you found it. Rome was certainly not built in a day..(I'll be dropping my favorite historical quotes every day)
#philosophy #philosopher #agustus #rome #emperor #empire #motivation #goals #history #knowledge #power #beaman #progress #legend #legacy #hussle #success #mentalhealth #foodforthought
#philosophy #philosopher #agustus #rome #emperor #empire #motivation #goals #history #knowledge #power #beaman #progress #legend #legacy #hussle #success #mentalhealth #foodforthought
Wenn man bedenkt, dass das #sammeln lange, lange vor dem #jagen da war und sich mehr oder weniger zufällig entwickelt hat...schon erstaunlich wie man sich toxische Männlichkeit mit anthropologischem Hokus Pokus schönreden bzw. verherrlichen kann!
#beaman #aboutmasculinity #heroes #beingwoke
#sammeln #jagen #beaman #aboutmasculinity #heroes #beingwoke
Glad that I’m not the only one who ruined his Father’s Day by doing construction on their house/property
“Don’t let anyone ruin your day, ruin it yourself, be a man” #beaman
If you're in a store and you cant find what you're looking for, dont ask for help. Walk out, be a man
#WilliamNormanGrigg (RIP) wrote an article in 2010 that always comes to mind when thinking about what it means to #beAMan.
#toxicMasculinity #beAManToBeatTheMan #dumSpiroPugno #gillette
#williamnormangrigg #beaman #toxicmasculinity #beamantobeattheman #dumspiropugno #gillette
I don't rock a #beard, but since all the razor companies want to #socialEngineer the male gender role, and I'm somewhat of a contrarian, maybe I should try to grow one.
#toxicmasculinity #gillete #beards #declineOfTheWest #stoicism #beAMan #youHaveToBeAManToBeatTheMan
#beard #socialengineer #toxicmasculinity #gillete #beards #declineofthewest #stoicism #beaman #youhavetobeamantobeattheman