Ever wondered how the @ATLASexperiment Control Room works?
Join us today for a virtual tour of the ATLAS Control Room, explore how a #physics experiment control room works, and watch live during high-energy (13.6 TeV) collision operations at the #LHC. #BeamTime #LHCRun3
#physics #lhc #beamtime #LHCRun3
Ever wondered how the @ATLASexperiment Control Room works?
Join us today for a virtual tour of the ATLAS Control Room, explore how a #physics experiment control room works, and watch live during high-energy (13.6 TeV) collision operations at the #LHC. #BeamTime #LHCRun3
#physics #LHC #beamtime #lhcrun3
Ever wondered how the @ATLASexperiment Control Room works?
This Friday, join us for a virtual tour of the ATLAS Control Room, explore how a #physics experiment control room works, and watch live while low-energy collisions (900 GeV) take place in the #LHC. #BeamTime #LHCRun3… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1654101469119889415
#physics #LHC #beamtime #lhcrun3
Who will get precious #synchrotron #beamtime @ #NanoMAX / MAX IV this autumn?
Our team of six referees is meeting soon in #Lund to evaluate the scientific excellence of the proposals.
#lund #nanomax #beamtime #synchrotron
Time has come to talk of #physics💫
Today, the LHC received the first 2023 stable beams at the record energy of 6.8 TeV – weeks after the first #BeamTime of the year, and after several weeks of getting the #LHC ready for chapter 2 of #LHCRun3.
Stay tuned for more #physics news!
#physics #beamtime #LHC #lhcrun3
Getting ready for #BeamTime! On 18 April, during a final preparatory run before the return of 13.6 TeV collisions, the ATLAS Experiment at @CERN recorded “horizontal muons”. Check out the event displays below ⤵️ (1/3)
12:22 was beam o’clock in the #LHC 🌠
Yesterday, CERN’s flagship accelerator wakes up from its winter slumber – the year-end technical stop (YETS) – ready for the 2023 data-taking season of the #LHCRun3. #BeamTime
Read more: http://home.cern/news/news/accelerators/spring-awakening-cerns-accelerators-gear-2023
It’s #BeamTime! The first collisions of 2023 in the #LHC are expected in just a few weeks.
To celebrate CERN’s accelerator complex waking up from hibernation, join us as we feature the activities taking place in preparation for chapter two of #LHCRun3.
RT @CERN_FR@twitter.activitypub.actor
Une pause et ça repart! Les premières collisions de 2023 dans le LHC sont attendues dans quelques semaines. Pour célébrer le réveil du complexe d'accélérateur, découvrez comment se prépare le chapitre 2 du #LHCRun3
small but slightly more enthusiastic majority (the !!)
I realize migrating may sound overwhelming after most of us just landed here, but if you can still vote, this makes a real world difference with some fairly costly (time && $$) decisions on my end
#structuralbiology #CryoEM #science #NMRchat #xray #beamtime #moleculardynamics #Biophysics #MolecularBiology
#structuralbiology #CryoEM #science #NMRchat #xray #beamtime #moleculardynamics #Biophysics #MolecularBiology
In fact, I spent 2h on emails with collaborators to finally drive #science again rather than fight admin …#structural #dynamics #experiments with #XFEL s or at #synchrotron s are difficult experiments and bring an extra layer of #writing (but often very useful!) because for any #beamtime #proposal s are necessary…
#proposal #beamtime #writing #synchrotron #XFEL #experiments #dynamics #structural #science