Some people with fatty liver
Turn to resistant starches to deliver
The chance to stay healthy
Though they eat beans and wheal
As a way to often quiver
#fattyliver #resistantstarch #beans #wholegrains #healthyeating #limerick #poetry
#fattyliver #resistantstarch #beans #wholegrains #healthyeating #limerick #poetry
Picked this small stash of #Borlotto #beans a little too early, but still delicious. #LinguadiFuoco #food #gardening #snacks #BlackJoy
#blackjoy #snacks #gardening #food #linguadifuoco #beans #borlotto
The badger anniversary led me to pop over to b3ta for the first time in a while. Was my first online community and the nostalgia is strong.
Also feel a bit old.
Anyhow, they have a one word challenge going on at the moment - beans - so it felt polite to join in.
#silly #photoshop #beans #b3ta
In honor of @BlurTheFur re-sharing beans in some places, I re-share this: beans
B-road beans, saved from this year’s crop, to attempt to grow more next year. Magic beans! #VegetableGardening #Beans #Seeds#GrowYourOwn
#vegetablegardening #beans #seeds
@yukiame Captain #Beany
In 1991 Barry Kirk legally changed his name to his superhero persona "Captain Beany". The Captain runs the world's only baked bean museum from his council flat in Sandfields UK. Since his first charity event in the mid 1980s (sitting for 100 hours in a baked #bean filled bath) he raised over 100,000 pounds for charity. His head is tattooed with drawings of #beans, each one initialled by patrons who could donate money in order to be immortalised.
Quarterly bean club day is always the best. #RanchoGordo #beans #VegetarianCooking #food
#ranchogordo #beans #vegetariancooking #food
@gardening the last of the half-wins:
#basil. Basil is, like, *the easiest herb* to grow. I’ve grown basil in apartments! But not in nice concrete planters, not this year, oh no. Took me three different sowings to get two knee-high plants.
#beans. Most important lesson learned: I *love* filet green beans. I could plant ten times as many as I did this year. Lots of frustrating failures too, though.
Slugs love beans. Don’t plant the beans too near the slugheims.
My bush dry beans are pretty puny. One full bed of them is struggling along at less than knee high. Another bed, home to many failures, ended up with a thriving tomato and two clumps of thriving bush beans. We’ll see if they make.
All of the pole beans were whimsical late May plantings, grown in unimproved soil near the garden fences. I LOVE FILET BEANS. I’ve been eating them raw. Peas are my spring salad, beans are my summer salad.
#Peppers were a real mixed bag. I lost most of my transplants to the cold. Both sowings, a month apart, hardened off - but the highs didn’t get above 60 until some time in May.
The two peppers that lived were the ones nearest the south wall of the house. One is in a concrete planter, proving that it’s not the soil that’s the problem with them. The other is in a fabric grow bag, in a plastic bin, tucked up beside the house. It’s the warmest sunny spot in the entire property, and that pepper grew huge and set like fifty fruit so far. It’s also concealing one of the wasp nests, and they don’t appreciate me bungling around too much, so I’m not counting.
Both of the peppers are “bridge to Paris” sweet peppers. They’re nice. I wish some of the hot peppers had lived! No complaints about the variety, I just wish I’d had others too.
More food preservation, but this time it’s from #gardening! We did #threesisters method this year and it was great. (Except for the squash. That is beyond low yield so far.) #beans #corn
#gardening #threesisters #beans #corn
#FoodGarden #homegrown #zone8 #cucumber #PlantFood #FoodSecurity #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Cukes #GrowItEatIt #FoodGrowers #WhatsInMyGarden #beans #tomatoes #peppers #jalapenos #harvest #FoodsIGrew
#foodgarden #homegrown #zone8 #cucumber #plantfood #foodsecurity #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cukes #growiteatit #foodgrowers #whatsinmygarden #beans #tomatoes #peppers #jalapenos #harvest #foodsigrew
Beans. My first year growing them but not my last. #Gardening #VegetableGardening #Beans
#gardening #vegetablegardening #beans
Heute war wieder #bohnen Ernte Zeit mit schöner Ausbeute bei #Stangebohnen und #Buschbohnen , die werden jetzt alle verarbeitet und erfreuen uns im Winter #garden #gemusegarten #selbstversorger #gemuese #einkochen #Einfrieren #garten #vegetables #beans
#bohnen #stangebohnen #Buschbohnen #garden #gemusegarten #selbstversorger #gemuese #einkochen #Einfrieren #garten #vegetables #beans