I love this question, #BearApp is amongst some great company. 😊
What are some other Mac apps with the same design philosophy as Bear and Things 3? #Apple #MacApps #iPhoneApps #iPadApps
#bearapp #apple #macapps #iPhoneapps #ipadapps
For Various reasons, I'm going to work one some certs for my Resume. Got plenty of real life experience, but i do feel i need this.
#CCNA #RHCSA #Fortigate, Maybe some cloud #AWS or #Azure, haven't decided (also: no experience).
First: CCNA.
Tools for the Job #Bearapp for taking notes. Odom's OCG, And probably Neil Anderson's course on udemy, #GNS3 And #Packet tracer, probably #Boson Netsim later on.
I was thinking to blog my journey (#Medium? #Github?) also need to be decided.
#ccna #rhcsa #fortigate #aws #azure #bearapp #gns3 #packet #boson #medium #github #ccnajourney
@kolombiken I just switched from Evernote to Bear and and am *very* happy.
I will admit, I was not a *heavy* Evernote user for note-taking; I was using it mostly as a scanned-documents-with-OCR repository.
Exporting and importing wasn't bad.
I'm now trying to be disciplined about using Bear for *everything*, not my previous somewhat-scattered Evernote/Google Docs/Apple Notes/Apple Reminders/Todoist... 🙄
Bear 2 is out!!
@arstechnica / I’m not surprised. I was a paying subscriber until recently. My most recent experience bring slow and deliberately (MO), obscure interface mechanics. I’ve since moved to a bear and am very happy. #bearapp
Thinking back to previous WWDC memories. Yesterday I found some stickers tucked away. In 2019 when @montyhayter and I were in San Jose, I met the devs behind the phenomenal notes app Bear. They gave me a handful of adorable stickers. This one felt very appropriate to add to the iPad, give my/everyone’s current Zelda obsession.🗡️
Happy WWDC everyone!🍎
#tearsofthekingdom #bearapp #WWDC
I don't plan to make #BearApp my only (or even my primary) #PKM app, but I subscribed to #Bear as a way of supporting their work.
It's very good for quick capture, and I think it will make a nice inbox for these purposes.
Also good for disposable notes, like those I take when the family decides to order takeout, and everyone hollers, "Mark, take down our orders and call this in!" i need to jot those orders down, but don't need to connected them to my knowledge graph!
Cranked up the #Bear app for the first time in more than a year. Found a trove of old notes on various subjects, from a pack of work-related meeting minutes to notes from a long-forgotten doctor visit.
Finding these felt like finding an unexpected little window into my own life. Funny how much of what mattered once doesn't matter now.
(I was glad to rediscover old #ToRead, #ToWatch, and #ToEat lists, as well as notes on cocktails to try!)
#bear #toread #towatch #toeat #bearapp #pkm #notemaking
TIL #BearApp’s subreddit r/BearApp is in the top 5% of subs by size. That’s pretty neat.
A #BearApp beta tester said in our sub that they're so happy with a new feature that they're gonna "cry or break something." That's a new one on me. 😆
The more I used #CraftApp the more I love it.
I think I’m still going to keep #BearApp around as my personal wiki and note taking tool, as it’s super easy to use without putting nay forethought into structure (and then to structure the notes later using tags), but Craft will likely be my primary writing tool for the foreseeable future.
I’ve been using #BearApp for taking notes—research notes for garden planning or projects, my own weird system for shopping lists, calendar items that I don’t want in my work calendar, etc. I thought I would journal in it but it feels awkward. The one thing I don’t like is that I can’t access it from my PC.
But one of the garden podcasters I follow mentioned using #DayOne for keeping a garden journal, and I’m trying it out for that. I really like it.
TIL #BearApp is basically NASA approved. Obviously not officially, but.
Apparently some people there requested to use Bear on their devices, so NASA reached out to us to verify various aspects of the app.
Now I want to ask them and find out if Bear has been sent to space. 😄
About to board, but I’m cancelling my trip to #Dublin. Im going home.
They just asked all “mobile and home printed pass holders to approach the counter and get a formally printed pass. You cannot board the plane without one.”
Yes, I’m still going out for our #BearApp meetup. BUT SERIOUSLY.