Linux · @linux
357 followers · 215 posts · Server

Linux For Everyone | Episode 3: Go Make Stuff.

For the Linux Gaming Report, the big boss at Bearded Giant Games discusses his 'Linux First Initiative,' an unusual origin story, and what it takes to survive as a one-man indie game studio.

Atroxity takes us out with some atmospheric electronica +loads more!


Follow Jason: @killyourfm

#linux4everyone #forbes #evengelho #linux #podcast #atroxity #beardedgiantgames #linuxfirst

Last updated 6 years ago

Linux ✅ · @Linux
3975 followers · 2826 posts · Server

Linux For Everyone | Episode 3: Go Make Stuff.

For the Linux Gaming Report, the big boss at Bearded Giant Games discusses his 'Linux First Initiative,' an unusual origin story, and what it takes to survive as a one-man indie game studio.

Atroxity takes us out with some atmospheric electronica +loads more!


Follow Jason: @killyourfm

#linuxfirst #beardedgiantgames #atroxity #podcast #linux #evengelho #forbes #linux4everyone

Last updated 6 years ago

Linux · @linux
357 followers · 215 posts · Server

Interview: Bearded Giant Games (they apply LINUX FIRST Iniative!)

Snippet from the interview:

"If at any point you decide to use any middleware, systems and templates, or anything else that's literary not sounds, textures or 3D models from the asset store: BUILD FOR LINUX as soon as you have it integrated. Don't wait for 2 weeks before release, do it the first chance you get."

Read it all ==>

#gamingonlinux #beardedgiantgames #linux #linuxfirst #gaming #spacemercs

Last updated 6 years ago

Linux ✅ · @Linux
3975 followers · 2826 posts · Server

Bearded Giant Games: store to be opened with an iniative "Linux First".

The developer of "Ebony Spire - Heresy


The Bearded Giant Store is the devs attempt to focus all the development efforts towards a single, unified, platform.

Whenever there's a release of a new game it goes straight up on page.


#beardedgiantgames #linux #linuxfirst #gamingonlinux #ebonyspire

Last updated 6 years ago