Omg i loved bubble bobble as a child. I remember i played it around 1989 in my grandpas office.
#maysixth #msxday #beardgrabber #msx #philips #nms8250 #msx2 #homecomputer #bubblebobble #brisk #pinballblaster #joystick #keyboard #retrogaming #retrogames #Homecomputing #homecomputermemories #80s #gaming #parenting #dadsofmastodon
#maysixth #msxday #beardgrabber #msx #philips #nms8250 #msx2 #homecomputer #bubblebobble #brisk #pinballblaster #joystick #keyboard #retrogaming #retrogames #Homecomputing #homecomputermemories #80s #gaming #parenting #dadsofmastodon
#BeardGrabber is watching Kiki's Delivery Service together with me. 💜
We are stretched out together on the sofa underneath a blanket.
#KikisDeliveryService #parenting #dadsOfMastodon #parentsOfMastodon #kidsPosting
#beardgrabber #kikisdeliveryservice #parenting #dadsofmastodon #parentsofmastodon #kidsPosting
@ljwrites #BeardGrabber currently enjoys Peggle Nights, Pinball, and physical puzzles. He has enjoyed 'driving' Gran Turismo 5 Prologue on the PS3, but car control wasn't great yet, so he struggled staying on course, but we should revisit that to see how that goes now. :)
@vmbrasseur what a wonderful site, thanks for sharing!
I've been reading stories from #EnidBlyton's #OClockTales to my 4 year old #BeardGrabber, which I picked up out of a public book exchange 'phone booth', but I think I'll soon be running out of stories in it, so this will come in handy. :)
Aside from #BeatrixPotter's, do you have any other personal recommendations for young children's books with short stories?
#EnidBlyton #oclocktales #beardgrabber #beatrixpotter
#BeardGrabber apparently likes playing #pinball games; especially the #ProPinball classic #BigRaceUSA was a hit. :D
#beardgrabber #pinball #propinball #bigraceusa #parenting #dadsofmastodon #parentsofmastodon
Playing #SnakesAndLadders (or rather, Ladders & Broken Ladders in this version) with #BeardGrabber, and I keep sinking down to 3 or 5... 🫤
#RNGesus hates me, lol
#SnakesAndLadders #beardgrabber #rngesus
@Taweret not gonna lie... I haven't had the spoons to do dishes, so I'm out of tea spoons, so earlier I grabbed one of #BeardGrabber's old baby spoons to stir my #tea...
Heeft iemand hier toevallig een PDF, scans of gewoon foto's van de pagina's van het #Koekiemonster #Kookboek van #HildeVanOostrum (met advies van #JohannesVanDam)?
https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Het_Koekie_Monster_Kookboek heeft een lijst van (Engelse) recept titels, en op de website van #MaaikeVanKessel heb ik één van de pagina's kunnen vinden (chocolade mint milkshakes), maar het lijkt me leuk om een aantal van de andere recepten met de kleine #BeardGrabber te maken, vooral de choco-rotsjes ¹.
Ik hoop dat ik de uitgave uit mijn eigen jeugd nog ergens heb, maar dat zal verstopt zitten in een doos waar ik moeilijk bij kan komen nu, dus ik hoop dat iemand misschien een digitale versie voor mij heeft. :)
#DurfTeVragen #AskFedi #AskMasto #HetKoekieMonsterKookboek
¹ Ja, ik weet dat het recept niet moeilijk is en dat er diverse online recepten voor 'cornflake chocolate clusters' te vinden zijn, maar dat voelt toch anders. :)
#koekiemonster #kookboek #hildevanoostrum #johannesvandam #maaikevankessel #beardgrabber #durftevragen #askfedi #askmasto #hetkoekiemonsterkookboek
Made a quick #bookmark out of some black paper and some pencils. It will live in the bedtime story #book I'm currently #reading for #BeardGrabber.
(For those interested, it's an omnibus by #EnidBlyton called "The O'Clock Tales".)
#FiXatoDraws #FiXatoCreative #mastoArt #artShare #creativeToot #art #FediArt
#bookmark #book #reading #beardgrabber #EnidBlyton #FiXatoDraws #FiXatoCreative #mastoart #artshare #creativetoot #art #fediart
Found a photo of one of my earliest #paintings that my mother had kept. Not quite sure how old I was; suspect about the same age as #BeardGrabber is now. Probably made with #ecoline #waterColours, and seems to be some kind of forest scene?
I should ask kiddo what he thinks is in that #drawing.
Thank you for keeping this mam. 💚
(Though I'm not sure if it actually ended up getting saved in my move to Norway several years ago due to the rush of clearing the parental home...)
#FiXatoCreative #FiXatoPaints #parenting #mastoArt #FediArt #KidsArt #painting #art #dailyPhoto
#paintings #beardgrabber #ecoline #watercolours #drawing #FiXatoCreative #FiXatoPaints #parenting #mastoart #fediart #KidsArt #painting #art #dailyphoto
@aperezdc yeah, #BeardGrabber enjoyed just typing in letters while he was 2-3 years old (and I guess still now at age of 4, but he hasn't shown much interest lately).
Though I at the time wrote a little Python app that would capture all the keypresses, so I could suppress keyboard combinations that could close the app or bring him to another app. Setting up the #MSX certainly would've been more foolproof I guess, especially with the #NMS8250's separate keyboard. Just didn't really have the space to keep that machine set up permanently.
Cow van jou
(#wordplay on the #Dutch phrase "ik hou (contracted to „'k hou”) van jou", meaning "I love you", where „'k hou” sounds like "cow")
#dailyPhoto #FiXatoFoto #FiXatoCreative #BeardGrabber #parenting #cow #cows #nature #naturePhotography #pun #pun #IkHouVanJou
#wordplay #dutch #dailyphoto #FiXatoFoto #FiXatoCreative #beardgrabber #parenting #cow #cows #nature #naturephotography #pun #IkHouVanJou
Right... time to unpack all the #groceries I lugged home in my backpack and reusable plastic bag, and prepare some dinner for the kiddo and me.
Groceries took a bit longer than planned, so I had to pick up #BeardGrabber on the way home, since I no longer had time to drop stuff off first...
#BeardGrabber has been enjoying #NumberBlocks on YouTube lately. Seems to have helped nurture his interest in counting and adding up. :)
If you have a #Rusta shop nearby, you might want to see if they also have the Playbox of Sweden "maleveske" on offer for 69.90 NOK. Clas Ohlson has the same set in their permanent assortment, rebranded, but at 129.90 NOK usually, so almost double the cost.
While aimed at kids, I've personally found the oil pastels to be quite satisfying, and even the water colour paints where vibrant and a joy to play with. Of course I don't expect lightfastness and they don't list the pigments used, but so far my rainbow whirlpool painting is still brightening up one of our walls. :)
Unfortunately I can't check how my oil pastels drawing of aurora borealis over Tromsø is doing, as I accidentally left it at the in-laws and haven't seen it since, and my peacock feather in oil pastels is too recent anyway.
#BeardGrabber really enjoys using his box from time to time, so I picked up two more yesterday; one for me, and one to either restock his, or to use as a gift.
#ArtSupplies #FiXatoCreative #PlayboxOfSweden #FiXatoPaints #FiXatoDraws #KidsArtSupplies #kids #dailyPhoto #budget #budgetArtSupplies #artOnABudget #Rusta #Norway #Norge #kunst #maleveske #parenting #dadsOfMastodon #parentsOfMastodon #ClasOhlson
#Rusta #beardgrabber #artsupplies #FiXatoCreative #PlayboxOfSweden #FiXatoPaints #FiXatoDraws #KidsArtSupplies #kids #dailyphoto #budget #budgetArtSupplies #artOnABudget #norway #norge #kunst #maleveske #parenting #dadsofmastodon #parentsofmastodon #ClasOhlson
Happy birthday @mike!
Help yourself to a slice of apple pie; there's about 2 slices left from #BeardGrabber's fourth birthday. ;)
#beardgrabber #food #dailyphoto
Painted #BeardGrabber's toy phone from his grandparents' toy box.
Turned out better than I originally expected. Adding shading and highlights is still something I struggle with, but it feels like I'm improving at it. :)
Don't usually do still-life pictures; usually I prefer painting after existing examples as they already have done the abstracting of details stage for me.
#FiXatoCreative #FiXatoPaints #mastoArt
#painting #stillLife #CreativeToots #aquarelle #aquarel #akvarell #waterColours #waterColors #waterColorArt #toys
#beardgrabber #FiXatoCreative #FiXatoPaints #mastoart #painting #stilllife #creativetoots #aquarelle #aquarel #akvarell #watercolours #watercolors #watercolorart #toys
#BeardGrabber wanted to win more #TicTacToe games, so I told him he could also play against himself, so he could win every game. xD
#parenting #games #gaming #dadsOfMastodon #parentsOfMastodon #kidposting #kids #PenAndPaper #dailyPhoto
#beardgrabber #tictactoe #parenting #games #gaming #dadsofmastodon #parentsofmastodon #kidposting #kids #penandpaper #dailyphoto
This pun brought to you by #BeardGrabber, and a video of someone eating big coloured pencil shaped cakes, and him smilingly asking: "are those pen- / pancakes?"
#beardgrabber #parenting #kidposting
@Siiw and #BeardGrabber and I enjoyed the warm apple pie with some ice cream, shortly after it came out of the oven. :D
#HappyBirthday dearest <3
#beardgrabber #happybirthday #FiXatoFoto #dailyphoto #FiXatoFood #FiXatoCreative