I really love watching the young of all species as they have so much curiosity, joy, and innocence. This brown bear sow had two cubs of the year. One more independent, and this one that always seemed to be right by her side, usually looking to get anything that was in her mouth into its own mouth, whether it be sedge grass or clams. Click here for print: https://belinda-greb.pixels.com/featured/checking-out-what-mom-is-eating-belinda-greb.html
#AYearforArt #brownbearcub #brownbear #wildlifephotography #alaskaphotography #LakeClarkNationalPark #bearphotography
#ayearforart #brownbearcub #brownbear #wildlifephotography #alaskaphotography #lakeclarknationalpark #bearphotography
This adolescent bear from Lake Clark National Park is a beauty, especially when he hurried into some lupin after a more dominant male brown bear moved closer. https://belinda-greb.pixels.com/featured/adolescent-bear-in-the-lupin-no-1-belinda-greb.html #brownbear #AYearforArt #wildlifephotography #LakeClarkNationalPark #bearphotography
#brownbear #ayearforart #wildlifephotography #lakeclarknationalpark #bearphotography