One wall of my home office #BeastieBoys refuge. #GenX #OldSchool #HelloNasty #CookiePuss #CountryMike #Adrock #MCA #MikeD #DJHurricane #MixMasterMike #ThreeMCsandOneDJ #BeastieBoysBook #BeastieBoysStory #PaulsBoutique
#genx #oldschool #hellonasty #cookiepuss #countrymike #adrock #mca #miked #djhurricane #mixmastermike #threemcsandonedj #beastieboysbook #beastieboysstory #paulsboutique #beastieboys
The Beastie Boys book is actually better than I expected and actually a little cathartic. Like all the shitty skater and punk boys of my 90s youth recognizing and making amends for their horrible despite "acceptable of the time" behavior. I don't wanna overstate it or give them too much credit but it's not exactly a common thing famous guys from that ere have been up for to date AFAIK.
I especially recommend listening to it because there's just so many cameo narrators (30? 40?), I won't even spoil it because half of them are just so surprising.
The review of their videos by Amy Poehler retroactively is pretty funny. And just generally people having to reconcile their own participation in this time period.
The Beastie Boys book is actually better than I expected and actually a little cathartic. Like all the shitty skater and punk boys of my 90s youth recognizing and making amends for their horrible despite "acceptable of the time" behavior. I don't wanna overstate it or give them too much credit but it's not exactly a common thing famous guys from that ere have been up for to date AFAIK.
The review of their videos by Amy Poehler retroactively is pretty funny. And just generally people having to reconcile their own participation in this time period.
The Beastie Boys book is actually better and actually a little cathartic which was so unexpected. Like all the shitty skater and punk boys of my 90s youth recognizing and making amends for their horrible despite "acceptable of the time" behavior. Like I don't wanna overstate it or give them too much credit but it's not exactly a common thing famous guys from that ere have been up for to date AFAIK.
The review of their videos by Amy Poehler retroactively is pretty funny.
I think I need to make this recipe from the Beastie Boys Book. Seems like a winner. #BeastieBoys #BeastieBoysBook #Recipe #CarThief #Recipes
#beastieboys #beastieboysbook #recipe #carthief #recipes