TRANSFORMERS Legend Simon Furman Talks About a #BeastWars Season 4 and a “Trial of Megatron” that he was going to write in Dreamwave Comics, before it’s unexpected demise #Botcon #Transformers
As well as War Within: and Age of Wrath and #TransformersEnergon that also stopped abruptly mid series. …😢
#beastwars #botcon #transformers #transformersenergon
Random Old Comic: Taking Things Literally Taking Things Literally #BeastWars #Cheetor #Terrorsaur #Transformers
#beastwars #cheetor #terrorsaur #transformers
Pizza time!
#Transformers #BeastWars #Botbots #Brockhead #Rattrap #ToyPhotography
#transformers #beastwars #botbots #brockhead #rattrap #toyphotography
Came home to a very #BeastWars mail day. Tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 1999.
I caved when I saw #StudioSeries #riseofthebeasts #OptimusPrimal in video reviews and decided to collect the entire RotB #Maximal cast in SS form. Just got #Airazor (voiced by #MichelleYeoh) and will only display her in #beastmode, since that's the only mode we saw in the #movie
I've got #Rhinox and #OptimusPrimal on pre-order to fill out the cast.
#Transformers #collection #figures #shelfie #BeastWars #Cheetor
#studioseries #riseofthebeasts #optimusprimal #maximal #airazor #michelleyeoh #beastmode #movie #rhinox #transformers #COLLECTION #figures #shelfie #beastwars #cheetor
Transformers Beast Wars Return
BWVS-06 Dinobot vs Tarantulas #transformers #BeastWars TRANSFORMERS タカラトミー Hasbro
Preorders on Amazon-Japan gives us our first look at the stunning, show accurate decos on very popular Kingdom figure molds!
Random Old Comic: Thanksgiving 2020 Thanksgiving 2020 #BeastWars #Blackarachnia #Blot #Ejector #Exhaust #Silverbolt #Toxitron #Transformers
#beastwars #blackarachnia #blot #ejector #exhaust #silverbolt #toxitron #transformers
THE NEMESIS! #Transformers #BeastWars #WarForCybertron TRANSFORMERS Beast Wars Fans Forever G1 Forever
She looks equally beautiful in a shelf full of G1 styled (Earthrise) toys as Beast Wars or War for Cybertron (Siege)… She’s been a focal point of the Transformers through so many stories and iterations. Now, FINALLY, gets her day in the spotlight with this, her own glorious figure. BTW, when it comes to big beautiful vessels/ships, (part...
Full post:
#transformers #beastwars #warforcybertron
Time tonight to see what happens tonight when we add the #Transformers from #BeastWars into the live film series. Should be good. Maybe? (I'mma see it)
Haven't had a #BeastWars post in a minute. Someone might have noticed that Cheetor, specifically Transmetal Cheetor, is my favorite beastie.
Art by Daniel Olsén
I have very little witty today, toilets being replaced sort of zaps that away. So big mood Waspinator, big mood.
Art by Daniel Olsén
Retreat into the woods and attune with nature instead of facing the work day.
Art by Daniel Olsén
It's Tuesday, the second worst day of the week, so have a Starscream clone (not literal, unless we count that time he took in his spark...) and push through until the hump day
Art by Daniel Olsén
Here's to a not miserable Monday, and you rise again, cooler than before. Pic unrelated to rising again.
Art by Daniel Olsén
Like Optimal Optimus said about Tigerhawk, "Yo you gotta wake up it's Sunday, don't be a bum". And then be a complicated toy to transform. 25+ years later and I still get confused.
Art by Daniel Olsén
People say Silverbolt is a dork, but he did end up with Blackarachnia, so it's not all that bad for the bird dog.
Art by Daniel Olsén
Reposting since we can't be lacking #BeastWars on my timeline. Look at Terragator go!
Art by Daniel Olsén
Friendly reminder that BotCon'23 is just around the corner!
Garry Chalk - Optimus Primal
Scott McNeil - Dinobot, Rattrap, Waspinator, Silverbolt
Venus Terzo - Blackarachnia
Susan Blu - Transmutate, voice director
Link for information:
Link to purchase tickets:
#botcon23 #agabyss #transformers #convention #beastwars #beastwarstransformers #tranformersarmada #optimusprimal #optimaloptimus
#botcon23 #agabyss #transformers #convention #beastwars #beastwarstransformers #tranformersarmada #optimusprimal #optimaloptimus
Truck Not Gorrilla? How about Truck AND Gorrilla
I always love seeing two generations come together, seeing Primal and Prime together always gives me a kick. Its too bad that we have not seen/heard Garry Chalk and Peter Cullen together. Ron Pearlman also voiced a version of Primal in POTP so there is some history there. Maybe we will see Primal and Prime together again in potential sequels to Rise of The Beasts.
#BeastWars #Transformers