Our postdoc Dr Friederike Hunstig and doctoral student Rica Artus were delighted to meet Dr Annick Mondjo from the Ministry of Health in Gabon at the CERMEL last week to discuss collaboration on #snakebite envenoming research and how to combine our research with other NTDs such as #rabies. #beatNTDs #Gabon🇬🇦
#snakebite #rabies #beatntds #gabon
RT @DigitalScholarX
Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) affects 56 million women in sub-Saharan Africa. Learn more: https://www.learning.foundation/fgs
#BeatNTDs #FGSchisto @frontlineaids @Avert_info @sci_ntds @CombatNTDs @elimin8schisto @LVCTKe @Sightsavers @bridges2develop @DrJulieJ
RT @DrJulieJ
Exciting times ahead with new Directors of malaria and NTDs at WHO. Looking forward to #beatNTDs and malaria! @ASTMH @WHO https://twitter.com/thokopooley/status/1638964989653336068
RT @DrTedros
Around the world, neglected tropical diseases affect more than 1 billion people, trapping generations in cycles of poverty and stigma. Today on World Neglected Tropical Diseases day, @WHO’s message is clear: Act Now, Act Together, to #BeatNTDs.
RT @elimin8schisto
Addressing the overview of the #GFINDER report launch at the @PCuresResearch launch webinar,
@PeterHotez highlights the devastating impact of the UK funding drop & the need for the G20 countries, among others to step up & fill the gap in Neglected Disease R&D funding. #BeatNTDs https://twitter.com/elimin8schisto/status/1620419424338743303
Agenda - #BeatNTDs #WorldNTDDay Werelddag Verwaarloosde Tropische Ziekten / World Neglected Tropical diseases Day
📢Funding neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) is a ‘best buy’ in global health, both in terms of impact and in leveraged funding.
With increased investments, actions and collaboration, countries can beat NTDs. #100percentCommitted to #BeatNTDs #WorldNTDDay
#100percentcommitted #beatntds #worldntdday
Do consider #NTDs for your next research topic – they don’t kill many people but are a significant burden of disease, and have huge impact upon quality of life.
30 January is #WorldNTDDay. Very keen to return to more research around Neglected Tropical Diseases, now the pandemic has been blunted a little bit, and countries are looking to mainstream their covid19 management.
#globalhealth #publichealth #neglectedtropicaldiseases #research #ghana #togo #africa #health #beatntds #idmastodon #medmastodon
#worldntdday #globalhealth #publichealth #neglectedtropicaldiseases #research #Ghana #togo #Africa #health #beatntds #IDMastodon #MedMastodon
Next Monday on #WorldNTDDay we will attend the "Snack & Talk about #NTDs" event to talk about #snakebite envenoming. 🐍 If you are in Hamburg, come join us! You can find the details in the link below 👇 #beatNTDs #globalhealth https://www.bnitm.de/en/news/veranstaltungen/world-ntd-day-2023
#worldntdday #NTDs #snakebite #beatntds #globalhealth
Would never have thought that a paper about #scabies #outbreaks in UK #carehomes would end up with over 100 citations (and at the moment is my most cited paper)
And with scabies now being a Neglected Tropical Disease, good to see a bit of momentum building about addressing this #NTD as a global #publichealth problem
#beatNTDs #globalhealth #infectiousdisease #MedMastodon #infection #NTDs
#scabies #outbreaks #carehomes #ntd #publichealth #beatntds #globalhealth #infectiousdisease #MedMastodon #infection #NTDs
Season's Greetings from @BNITM: Wishing you all happy holidays and a peaceful New Year 2023! 🕊️
#Research4GlobalHealth #OneHealth #beatNTDs
#research4globalhealth #onehealth #beatntds
New journal paper klaxon!
“Prevalence of skin Neglected Tropical Diseases and superficial fungal infections in two peri-urban schools and one rural community setting in #Togo”
Open access. Published in both English and French
#togo #globalhealth #scabies #NTDs #ntd #beatntds #publichealth
RT @DrNenehS
Calling all early career #African researchers to submit proposals for the GSK Africa Open Lab on #InfectiousDiseases.
Each award is up to £75,000 plus mentoring, scientific and technical support
Applications close 17 Feb 2023.
More info: 👉🏾 https://www.gsk.com/en-gb/responsibility/africa-open-lab/#how-to-apply
#beatntds #infectiousdiseases #african
#scabies is a Neglected Tropical Disease (one that we have here in the UK, unusual for an #NTD)
More about scabies here - https://theconversation.com/scabies-the-neglected-tropical-disease-no-one-wants-to-talk-about-148351
#BeatNTDs #publichealth #globalhealth
#skininfection #dermatology
#scabies #ntd #beatntds #publichealth #globalhealth #skininfection #Dermatology
RT @MoniqueWasunna@twitter.com
We are happy to announce that we now have a simpler treatment for #sleepingsickness with 95% efficacy. The study results were published in @TheLancetInfDis@twitter.com
The single-dose of acoziborole💊 is being developed by @DNDi@twitter.com and @sanofi@twitter.com. #beatNTDs
Read more➡️ http://bit.ly/3EP4oeD
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MoniqueWasunna/status/1597970870458232833
RT @DigitalScholarX@twitter.com
@elimin8schisto@twitter.com @thefastpackage@twitter.com Over 4,000 local health practitioners contributed their experience to the 1st FGS Special Event organized in partnership with @bridges2develop@twitter.com and other FAST Package partners. #FGSSchisto #BeatNTDs #BeatSchisto
Request your invitation here
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DigitalScholarX/status/1593585856744407040
#fgsschisto #beatntds #beatschisto