In the 90s, I came across an amazing #Livejournal based web #comic, Hark! A Vagrant, written by Kate #Beaton amd was hooked from day one. I ordered mugs and T-shirts, because this was *my* comic. When #Drawn&Quarterly published the collections of the web comic, I was there. When Kate wrote her childrens' books, I bought them too.
Now, it's 2022, and Kate Beaton has published a truly amazing autobiographical graphic novel, surely one of the best things I've read this year: Ducks-Two Years in the Oil Sands. It's funny, it's sad, it's upsetting and it's beautiful. It's personal and political and educational. Right now, if I have one 2022 #book recommendation, this would be it! You'll laugh, and you'll cry and you'll get angry. You might even recognize yourself and the place you came from. This is a beautiful piece of #art.
#livejournal #comic #beaton #drawn #book #art