Tornata a casa da lavoro super incacchiata e stressata non avevo sbatta di uscire per sfogare con la corsa quindi accendo il visore e mi faccio 1 ora di #BeatSaber. Ora sono in pace con il mondo e super sudata 🤟
Seguirà doccetta e nanna 😌
Utiliza mi enlace de recomendación al comprar Beat Saber y podrás obtener un 25 % de descuento en tu compra
#referido #beatsaber #oculus #vr #oculusmetaquest2 #realidadvirtual
#referido #oculus #vr #oculusmetaquest2 #realidadvirtual #beatsaber Beat Saber / sync – OutPhase(2023 Remaster) FBT #Shorts #10点トラッキング #3D #BeatSaber #BeatGames #Beatsaber #FBT #FullBodyTracking #GameplayPreview #HtcVivePro #OBS #OBSStudio #PS4GAMES #TrueVR #uhyoch #ValveIndex #VIVE #VMC #VMCAvatar #VR #VRゲー #VRダンス #アバター #オリキャラ #オリジナルアバター #オリジナルキャラクター #バーチャルモーションキャプチャー #バモキャ #ビーセイ #ビートセイバー #フルトラ #フルトラダンス #フルボディトラッキング #プレー動画 #ゆうひよ #リズムゲー #音ゲー
#shorts #10点トラッキング #3d #beatsaber #beatgames #fbt #fullbodytracking #gameplaypreview #htcvivepro #obs #obsstudio #ps4games #truevr #uhyoch #valveindex #vive #vmc #vmcavatar #vr #vrゲー #vrダンス #アバター #オリキャラ #オリジナルアバター #オリジナルキャラクター #バーチャルモーションキャプチャー #バモキャ #ビーセイ #ビートセイバー #フルトラ #フルトラダンス #フルボディトラッキング #プレー動画 #ゆうひよ #リズムゲー #音ゲー
Alrighty, Friday so time for weekly Beat Saber and trying new maps.
I think I got an avatar now. Or, at least one I won't mind for the moment until I get my lazy butt and spend time in Blender.
Be starting in about ~20mins.
#videogame #pc #vr #beatsaber #Twitch
So my top #BeatSaber packs.
1. Electronic Mixtape
2. Lady Gaga
3. Skrillex
4. Rock Mixtape
5. Lizzo
6. Queen
Special shout out to the the Lizzo pack for some really fun patterns. I wasn’t a fan of her music but this pack made me one.
I really tried to like the Interscope and Linkin Park packs but they just don’t flow well.
Plan is to make a return to streaming some #beatsaber over the weekend. So in case you are interested stay tuned at or . No guarantees, times are hard to plan at the moment and perhaps everything is broken again. Latest updates over on Discord:
Alright, I have to say the cube-bomb-wall composition is MASTERFUL.
I died at the 39 minutes mark, but definitely going to replay it when I'm less tired, definitely I don't have the stamina I had when I stopped playing a year ago.
Streamplan für diese Woche.
Es könnte spontan zu Änderungen kommen. Ich gebe dann hier oder auf Discord bescheid 🫡
#vr #halflifealyx #retro #beatsaber #subnautica #baldurgate3 #BG3
#vr #halflifealyx #retro #beatsaber #subnautica #baldurgate3 #bg3
I finally continued to make a #BeatSaber Map after months I hope I finish it soon and it turns out good [Beat Saber] 可愛くてごめん #BeatSaber #PS4GAMES
Today on Stream: Back into Beat Saber!
Requests will be open, so get your tunes ready! Also, spookiness continues with the new 'Play a Spooky Scary Skeleton Remix' redeem. Find a remix? Get it added to the list!
Stream starts around 7pm Eastern, see you there~!
I posted a new video on my Youtube channel
Here's a preview of it!
#beatsaber #furry #furryfandom #kemono #vr #vrc #vrchat
Hallo. 34 Stunden Streams am Wochenende. Freu mich.
#twitch #youtube #baldursgate3 #vr #beatsaber
Turns out I was Beat Sabering wrong.
For maximum points it takes into account how far you’re swinging.
Just hitting the targets properly is enough to ‘pass’ a song, but for score attacks you have to flail about like a madman to rack up enough points.
#beatsaber #playstation #ps5share #ps5 #PSVR2 #vr #gaming 【BeatSaber】ガッチマンV(ガッチマンV ) #BeatSaber #Beatsaber #PS4GAMES #ガッチマン #ガッチマンV #ビートセイバー
#beatsaber #ps4games #ガッチマン #ガッチマンv #ビートセイバー