Fairly accurate visual. #BeatShell https://www.irishtimes.com/advertising-feature/2023/01/20/climate-activists-across-world-raise-funds-for-court-case-against-shell/
#Shell #BP #Total… ne laissons pas ces gros pollueurs continuer à détruire notre planète et à violer les droits humains.
Soutenons @milieudefensie@twitter.com ✊ pour vaincre Shell et confirmer le verdict de l’affaire #climat aux Pays-Bas 🇳🇱 #BeatShell #justice
#shell #bp #total #climat #beatshell #justice
Deze oproep aan de nieuwe ceo van klimaatvernietiger #Shell, mr. Wael Sawan, is zo beschaafd, zó indringend, zó perfect, dat hij voorlopig in de sociale media moet blijven circuleren.
Help #Milieudefensie om nogmaals Shell voor het gerecht te dagen.
#shell #milieudefensie #beatshell
It's time we start being honest about the state of the world we live in. The mental load that comes from the climate crisis. And the responsibility that lies, not just with governments and businesses, but with the individuals that lead them.
This is an honest message. #BeatShell
RT @foeireland
FoE Netherlands (@milieudefensie) won a ground-breaking climate court case against oil giant @Shell in 2021
But now Shell is abandoning all responsibility by appealing the verdict😡
Watch and share @milieudefensie's #MessageforShell to help #BeatShell again!✊
#awordwithwael #beatshell #messageforshell
Climate activists across world raise funds for court case against Shell
Thousands of climate advocates and environmental organisations across the world are rallying behind the hashtag #BeatShell to call on the public to donate to a citizens’ court case against Shell
#ClimateEmergency #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe
#ClimateChange #Climate
#beatshell #climateemergency #ecology #environment #climatecrisis #climatecatastrophe #climatechange #climate
Cool als je een campagne doet die in Zuid-Afrika, Australië, Frankrijk, Engeland (Duitsland, België, Nederland, Zweden, Canada, en, en..) is geland. #BeatShell
RT @milieudefensie
In 2021, the Dutch court ordered @shell to adjust its corporate policy and stop causing climate change.
But now, Shell is appealing the verdict.
Help us beat Shell again.
Share this video and donate ➡️ https://bit.ly/Shell-Message
#messageforshell #awordwithwael #beatshell
RT @milieudefensie
In 2021, the Dutch court ordered @Shell to adjust its corporate policy and stop causing climate change.
But now, Shell is appealing the verdict.
Help us beat Shell again.
Share this video and donate ➡️ https://bit.ly/Shell-Message
#messageforshell #awordwithwael #beatshell
RT @milieudefensie@twitter.com
In 2021, the Dutch court ordered @Shell@twitter.com to adjust its corporate policy and stop causing climate change.
But now, Shell is appealing the verdict.
Help us beat Shell again.
Share this video and donate ➡️ https://bit.ly/Shell-Message
#MessageForShell #AWordWithWael #BeatShell
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/milieudefensie/status/1615620436393443334
#messageforshell #awordwithwael #beatshell
RT @milieudefensie@twitter.com
In 2021, the Dutch court ordered @Shell@twitter.com to adjust its corporate policy and stop causing climate change.
But now, Shell is appealing the verdict.
Help us beat Shell again.
Share this video and donate ➡️ https://bit.ly/Shell-Message
#MessageForShell #AWordWithWael #BeatShell
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/milieudefensie/status/1615620436393443334
#messageforshell #awordwithwael #beatshell
RT @milieudefensie@twitter.com
Bekijk onze boodschap voor Wael Sawan, de nieuwe CEO van @Shell@twitter.com.
Deel deze video en stuur Shell een (gratis) protest-sms.
➡️ http://bit.ly/Tegengas-Shell
#GeefTegengas #AWordWithWael #AMessageForShell #BeatShell
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/milieudefensie/status/1615627961083875329
#beatshell #amessageforshell #awordwithwael #geeftegengas
Ik geef toe wat zeurderig, maar een tsunami als gevolg van een aardbeving heeft toch niets met klimaatverandering te maken?
RT @milieudefensie
Bekijk onze boodschap voor Wael Sawan, de nieuwe CEO van @Shell.
Deel deze video en stuur Shell een (gratis) protest-sms.
➡️ http://bit.ly/Tegengas-Shell
#GeefTegengas #AWordWithWael #AMessageForShell #BeatShell https://t.co/q9bzZzGDwt
#geeftegengas #awordwithwael #amessageforshell #beatshell
Nous avons battu #Shell dans un procès historique en 2021. Mais Shell se décharge de toute responsabilité et conteste le jugement. Voici notre message au nouveau PDG, Wael Sawan: Fera-t-il le nécessaire?
#BeatShell #Milieudefensie
#shell #beatshell #milieudefensie
#Shell is a climate criminal, destroys our planet and escapes with vast profits. It doesn't have to be this way: if we lock out fossil fuels for good, we can secure a liveable future for all. This 👇 is an urgent call for Shell's new ceo, Mr Sawan.
Help Friends of the Earth Netherlands to #BeatShell in court again.
#Milieudefensie https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/109/709/276/398/015/836/original/8d1d299a7b334bc0.mp4
#shell #beatshell #milieudefensie
ONG néerlandaise @milieudefensie@twitter.com a battu Shell dans un procès historique en 2021. Mais Shell se décharge de toute responsabilité et conteste le jugement.
Voici notre message au nouveau PDG, Wael Sawan : Fera-t-il le nécessaire ?
Shell a fait appel de la décision de justice qui la lie légalement à l'Accord de Paris.
Mais maintenant, nous nous préparons à un knock-out au deuxième round.
RT @Kauthar_
In 2018 deed ik samen met duizenden Nederlanders mee aan de rechtszaak van @milieudefensie tegen Shell. De eis was duidelijk: houd je aan het Parijsakkoord. The least.
We wonnen. Shell ging in hoger beroep. Zo lelijk.
Daarom: #GeefTegengas #BeatShell