I'm going to share a post now that is very personal. Please note that the content may be blocked by some services.
In sharing these words, I want to offer a salute to great female and transgendered artists such as #Madonna, #LadyGaga, and #KaeTempest (nee #KateTempest) who test the boundaries of #gender while making awesome #music with incredible #beatz!
#madonna #ladygaga #kaetempest #katetempest #gender #music #beatz
Alicia Keys Gets $400K Egyptian-Themed Necklace From Swizz Beatz #alicia #keys #gets #$400k #egyptian-themed #necklace #from #swizz #beatz #1luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudG16LmNvbS8yMDIyLzA3LzAxL2FsaWNpYS1rZXlzLWdldC1lZ3lwdC10aGVtZS1uZWNrbGFjZS1zd2l6ei1iZWF0ei8=
#1luglio #beatz #swizz #from #necklace #egyptian #gets #keys #alicia