Was mich bei Reaktionen zu »#BeauIsAfraid« von #AriAster a bissi nervt/belustigt: massig Meldungen dazu, dies wäre »der durchgeknallteste, seltsamste Film, der sich mit nix vergleichen lässt ever«, als ob es z.B. »Mother!«, »Taxidermia«, »Swiss Army Man«, Punch Drunk Love«, »Ereaserhead«, »Anomalisa«, »Songs from the Second Floor« usw usw usw nicht gäbe. Zugestanden: extrem überhöhte Surreal-Langfilme sind eher selten, aber dennoch schnell wieder verdrängt.
If you would like to watch a #movie that is extremely good and funny and weird BUT three hours long and so anxiety-inducing that watching it over the course of two nights means waking up in a cold sweat at 4:30 AM both subsequent mornings I got you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beau_Is_Afraid
Neu auf Blu-ray und DVD: Fast & Furious 10, Beau is Afraid #DVDNews #FastX #BeauIsAfraid
Die #SacklerFamily führt einen #Opiumkrieg im eigenen Land. Laura #Poitras zeigt mit dem Dokumentarfilm "All the Beauty and the Bloodshed" in dem Porträt über die Fotografin Nan #Goldin wie Unrecht zu Richtbarkeit führt, aber nicht zur #Gerechtigkeit. Überall orangene Pillendosen. #BeauIsAfraid https://eigentlich-podcast.de/egl032-beau-is-afraid-ari-asters-ueberladenes-surrealistisches-werk-das-aengste-schuldgefuehle-und-traumata-visualisiert/
#sacklerfamily #opiumkrieg #poitras #goldin #gerechtigkeit #beauisafraid
#BeauIsAfraid seems like the writer/director/producer is a huge fan of Charlie Kaufman, #Kafka, and the song “Mother” by #PinkFloyd.
#PinkFloyd #kafka #beauisafraid
I’m starting to think watching “Beau is Afraid” after the #edibles kicked in was a questionable choice. My mind is melting #BeauIsAfraid
Watched #BeauIsAfraid last night. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be liked but it certainly is an experience. Certainly the weirdest #movie I've seen in the last decade, a fever dream of a #film. There's some #SynecdocheNewYork vibes to it and it definitely qualifies as a dark, #dark #satire.
There is one particularly compelling aside with a play in the woods that I'll say is superb.
#beauisafraid #movie #film #synecdochenewyork #dark #satire
New #BloodSplatteredVlog!
This week The Horror Guru & Count Jackula tackle Ari Aster's latest film: #BeauIsAfraid!
A darkly humorous odyssey into one man's anxiety, abuse and PTSD!
#AriAster #Arthouse #ArtFilm #Cinema #Review #MovieReview #FilmReview #FilmVlog #Vlog #A24
#bloodsplatteredvlog #beauisafraid #ariaster #arthouse #artfilm #cinema #review #moviereview #filmreview #filmvlog #vlog #a24
Multi-layered themes in #BeauIsAfraid. I’m still mulling about them until now. 🤔
#cinemastodon #Movies #beauisafraid
Loved Hereditary and #Midsommar.
Liked most of this a lot.
Ari Aster's 3 hour endurance test has one of Joaquin Phoenix's best performances playing such a passive character. Everything happens to Beau and he just takes it.
Loses steam in the final hour as the revelations come, but they don't have the forward momentum and surreal humor of the first two.
Well acted on all front as every cast member (Zoe Lister Jones gets a Pearl-ish monologue) is dialed up to 12.
#LetterboxdFriday #Letterboxd #movie #movies #beauisafraid #ariaster #film #films #cinema #cinemastodon #nowwatching #watch #streaming #moviemastodon #filmmastodon
#Watching #midsommar #LetterboxdFriday #Letterboxd #movie #movies #beauisafraid #ariaster #film #films #cinema #cinemastodon #nowwatching #watch #streaming #moviemastodon #FilmMastodon
I'm watching Beau Is Afraid (2023) https://trakt.tv/movies/beau-is-afraid-2023 #BeauIsAfraid #trakt
#AriAster saddles #JoaquinPhoenix with some major mummy issues in #BeauisAfraid
#MovieReview below
#moviereview #beauisafraid #joaquinphoenix #ariaster
We explore the British classic comedy Withnail & I for our deep dive this week.
In the main reviews Andy took time to watch #FastX, #AsterixAndObelix: The Middle Kingdom, and #BeauIsAfraid - all in one day (that was a very strange day!). Find out how he felt about the trio.
We also have a good chat around the news, neat things, and various other geek things as usual.
#FastX #asterixandobelix #beauisafraid #film #films #movies #cinema #podcast #filmgeek
täglich 20.15 (Mo-Mi OmU) bei uns im Lichtspielhaus.
#beauisafraid #ariaster #joaquinphoenix #nathanlane #amyryan #A24
#beauisafraid #ariaster #joaquinphoenix #nathanlane #amyryan #a24
Ari Asters #Beauisafraid. (@ Kino am Raschplatz in Hannover, Niedersachsen) https://www.swarmapp.com/berlinscochise/checkin/646a5be0185db22fb164426e?s=aZME3v5N5-rfgTDt0z_Rcdg6iR4
Nach 90 Minuten mit Mahlers 8. und 90 Minuten mit Amateuroberligafußball beschließe ich diesen Sonntag nun mit drei Stunden Joaquin Phoenix in Ari Asters #BeauIsAfraid.
täglich 20.15 (Mo-Mi OmU) bei uns im Lichtspielhaus.
#beauisafraid #ariaster #joaquinphoenix #nathanlane #amyryan #A24
#beauisafraid #ariaster #joaquinphoenix #nathanlane #amyryan #a24