I've seen four dragon/damselflies* in two days in Dublin, yesterday and today! 😀
#ManorStreet / #Stoneybatter
Does anyone know, has it been an especially good year for them here, or something?
#DragonFlies #Damselflies #Dublin #MastoDaoine #Odonata #Entomology
[* They we're all large, so possibly dragon flies, but were flying past each time, so I couldn't really tell for sure.]
#beaumont #manorstreet #stoneybatter #cabra #rialto #dragonflies #damselflies #dublin #mastodaoine #odonata #entomology
"Texas has 4 of the 10 least educated cities in the US"
#CorpusChristi #Beaumont #McAllen #Brownsville
They're gonna blame pronouns and gay books, aren't they? 😒
#Texas has 4 of the 10 least #educated cities in the #US, and just one of the most educated
#Pronouns #Books #Schools #Education #Teachers #Parents #Students
#iamdb #students #parents #teachers #Education #Schools #Books #pronouns #US #educated #Texas #brownsville #mcallen #beaumont #corpuschristi
Firefighters battling #RabbitFire in California's Riverside country, over 7000 acres burnt so far #RabbitFIRE **07/16/23 UPDATE 12:00 PM** Evacuation ORDER area is downgraded to an evacuation WARNING in the following areas:
South of East 1st Street
East of Highway 79/Lamb Canyon
North of Seneca Springs
West of Manzanita Park Road
Please see map here:
VC: Battalion 6 via Instagram
#Wildfire #CaliforniaWildfire #Riverside #Heatwave #RabbitFire #Beaumont
#rabbitfire #wildfire #californiawildfire #riverside #heatwave #beaumont
La marche pour Adama interdite à Beaumont est délocalisée à Paris https://paris-luttes.info/la-marche-pour-adama-interdite-a-17256 #Discrimination-Racisme #meurtresdelapolice #Beaumont-sur-Oise #AdamaTraoré
#discrimination #meurtresdelapolice #beaumont #adamatraoré
Festival 💚 La Guinguette de l'Artière 🎈
📅Samedi 10 juin 2023
à partir de 14h
📍Bassin d'orage de #Beaumont
🎶👩🎤des concerts
🚲 vélo-balade que nous accompagnerons (passage par la future coulée de Vallière)...
infos: https://www.facebook.com/guinguette.artiere
[Beaumont] Journée portes-ouvertes dans le cadre de la #JourneeMondialeDeLaBicyclette 🚲:
Samedi 3 Juin de 9h à 17h,
Le constructeur des cycles #Victoire vous invite à son atelier #Beaumont (63)(Rencontres, partages, démonstrations…)
#beaumont #victoire #journeemondialedelabicyclette
#beaumont #children #disappearance
Grant Alfred Beaumont — the father of three Adelaide children who went missing in the 1960s — dies, aged 97
#beaumont #children #disappearance
From the archives: For nearly 10 months in the once-mighty union bastion of southeast #Texas, ExxonMobil locked out hundreds of refinery workers in an effort to force an embattled 80-year-old Steelworkers #union local to give in—or get out. https://www.texasobserver.org/the-battle-of-beaumont/ via @justinmiller
#texas #union #news #beaumont #energy #unions #labor #environment
Master the art of driving by taking a driving test in Edmonton
You need defensive driving instructions. It would help if you considered enrolling in one of the best driving school in Summerside to equip yourself with the right skills and knowledge. Expert driving instructors offer an organized course structure to help you get acquainted with the basics of driving.
#best #driving #school #Summerside #Beaumont #test #Edmonton #Mill #woods
#best #driving #school #Summerside #beaumont #test #edmonton #mill #woods
How can you have an impeccable driving record by enrolling in a driving school in Mill woods?
If you want to learn complex driving techniques or basic maneuvers, you should enroll in the best driving school in Ellerslie. You can confidently handle different road scenarios with the assistance of expert driving instructors.
#best #driving #school #Ellerslie #Mill #woods #instructors #Beaumont #certification #course
#best #driving #school #Ellerslie #mill #woods #instructors #beaumont #certification #course
#alps #isere #beaumont #matheysine #wintertime #sunset #landscape #photography
#photography #landscape #sunset #wintertime #Matheysine #beaumont #isere #alps
#alps #isere #beaumont #matheysine #wintertime #sunset #landscape #photography
#photography #landscape #sunset #wintertime #Matheysine #beaumont #isere #alps
#photography #landscape #sunset #wintertime #Matheysine #beaumont #isere #alps
#photography #landscape #sunset #wintertime #Matheysine #beaumont #isere #alps
LimWeather: D2
SLGT risk in parts of W, S US esp #Shreveport, #LakeCharles, #Houston, #Galveston, #TheWoodlands, #MissouriCityTX, #SugarLand, #Pearland, #KatyTX, #PasadenaTX, #Beaumont, #Texarkana, #LittleRock, #Jonesboro
#USwx #wxtwitter #CAwx #ORwx #PNW #FlashFlod #LAwx #TXwx #OKwx #ARwx https://twitter.com/LimWeather/status/1608249942191247360
#shreveport #lakecharles #houston #galveston #thewoodlands #missouricitytx #sugarland #pearland #katytx #pasadenatx #beaumont #texarkana #littlerock #jonesboro #uswx #wxtwitter #cawx #orwx #pnw #flashflod #lawx #txwx #okwx #arwx
Au #Baromètre des #Villes #Cyclable 2021, résultats meilleurs qu'en 2019 :
- #Cournon-d'Auvergne : 3,14 (D), meilleur résultat avec #Vichy
- #ClermontFerrand : 2,76 (E, en progrès), 26ème/38 dans la catégorie «Grandes villes»
- #Cébazat : 2,64 (F, en net progrès)
- #Aubière : 2,63 (F, en progrès)
- #Beaumont : 2,55 (F)
- #Romagnat : 2,50 (F)
- #Chamalières : 1,98 (G, en baisse), parmi les dernières villes de sa catégorie en 🇫🇷
Sources :
- https://barometre.parlons-velo.fr/2021
- https://www.7joursaclermont.fr/barometre-2021-des-villes-cyclables-clermont-bien-loin-au-classement/
#barometre #villes #cyclable #cournon #vichy #clermontferrand #cebazat #aubiere #beaumont #romagnat #chamalieres