'The Heart of Ameinias': Done!
The first sequel to 'Ghosts and Tea' is finally done, currently clocking in at 49+K words. That number will definitely change and increase, and I'll make sure the final length won't go past 50K. I always try to maximize the story length to ensure readers get their 99 cents' worth (ha!), and that's also a great exercise in limiting myself in the face of temptation to expand unnecessarily. I opted to reduce my current and future output to no more than 50K for a very good reason, brevity without sacrificing complexity being my primary goal.
And so to mark this special occasion, here's a celebratory video (which is my tradition whenever I finish a book's first draft). Behold the cheese! Embrace the cheese!
Of course, with any luck, we can actually watch the video here and not be ordered back to Youtube. I can never tell anymore.
#Writing #WritersOfMastodon #WritingLife #DanielBoone #BeautifulSunday #1970s #Music
#writing #writersofmastodon #writinglife #danielboone #beautifulsunday #1970s #music