He whispered “I want your lips fluttering against mine as you sing that unstoppable song”
And my heart was once again beating faster, lovingly wrapped in the warmth of his Words.
#smallpoems #beautifultruth #smallmoments
Safety in my skin
Unrequested but welcome
Spontaneous stripping back
#MastoPrompt spontaneous 25 June 2023
#smallPoems #beautifulTruth
#smallMoments (but actually quite profound)
#smallmoments #beautifultruth #smallpoems #MastoPrompt
Love is letting you be
Because I know I can interrupt your sleep/day/evening/night
If ever I can’t navigate my way
From my heady hellscape at 3am
Your love means I’ve got this
So I write to leech poison
But it’s the love that pours out
And outside, the howling wind, driving rain
Are a metaphor for a storm kept at bay.
(And now I can sleep)
#ThisIsLove #SmallMomenf #smallPoems #BeautifulTruth
#beautifultruth #smallpoems #smallmomenf #thisislove
Fireworks might be spark to start a blazing inferno
Hot, bright, maybe for a night.
Blinding and sometimes explosive
And leaving lasting wreckage.
Brilliance consumed, spent.
Sometimes the scars never heal.
There is much to be said in favour
of a slow, controlled, gradual burn: creating heat, cracking open shells of seeds dropped long ago.
This is how regeneration happens;
How wounded landscapes blossom and heal.
#poetry #smallmoments #smallpoems #beautifultruth
I have the kind of people in my life to whom I can address Very Important Questions.
“Can I take up residence in your brain, and if you then go about dealing with invasive weeds, can you help me minimise the hayfever?”
#theanswerisyes #smallmoments #beautifultruth
I never cease to be astonished that I am apparently the sort of woman who apparently inspires people to paint poetry.
Thank you for reminding me to view myself the way you see me.