The fetishisation of youth might be undergoing a makeover – when has ageing ever looked this fun? | Van Badham
#AgeingMEWS #BeautyMEWS #CelebrityMEWS #LifeAndStyleMEWS #CosmeticSurgeryMEWS #AustralianLifestyleMEWS
As the domain of human potential is staked by the powerful older, it’s not unreasonable to imagine beauty standard...
#ageingmews #beautymews #celebritymews #lifeandstylemews #cosmeticsurgerymews #australianlifestylemews
A natural look to brighten winter days
#BeautyMEWS #LifeAndStyleMEWS #MakeupMEWS
How to make the barely there look work for you. Plus, a great retinoid serum and lush hair treatmentsThree weeks into January and applying makeup still feels laborious. Hence easy and natural is ideal. That said, “natural” is totally subjective; for some, natural is a full face of maquillage – contouring, ...
#beautymews #lifeandstylemews #makeupmews
Battling rough, cracked lips? Time to fetch the no-frills big guns | Sali Hughes
#BeautyMEWS #WinterMEWS #LifeAndStyleMEWS #LipstickMEWS
Central heating and icy weather wreak havoc with delicate lip skin, so restorative balms and serums are invaluableThere are two types of lip balm: the pretty, flavoursome type for a quick and pleasing slick of moisture, gloss or co...
#beautymews #wintermews #lifeandstylemews #lipstickmews