The hills were stormbound today! We simulated deep snow with some very deep heather and headed to lower ground to practice micro navigation techniques. After that, it was off to @tisoonline for tea and medals and a chat about the Be Avalanche Aware process. More windy weather in prospect tomorrow, and hopefully some snow in the forecast too. @GrahamUney
#beavalancheaware #thinkwinter
Whilst there's not much snow on Arran, elsewhere in Scotland, there's been a lot more. The Scottish Avalanche Information Service have begun their daily forecast bulletins. Don't forget to read it before planning a good day in the hills. 😀 #BeAvalancheAware.
P.S its an amazing website, with hazard forecasts, historic data, educational stuff and links to blogs that show ground conditions. Should be on everyone's checklist in winter!
#thinkwinter #scotland #avalanche #beavalancheaware