And continuing the 'it's complicated' relationships theme in my blast from past playlist, my favourite song from the Hindi romance I've rewatched BY FAR the most #JabWeMet #Bebo #filmi #Bollywood
#bollywood #filmi #bebo #JabWeMet
I just came across this news article from 2008, while reading about the demise of Bebo.
I've no other reasons for sharing this, other than it literally made me laugh out loud.
Bebo users release interstellar spamgasm at Gliese 581 • The Register
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #WoPop
Bebo & Cigala:
🎵 Lagrimas Negras
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#nowplaying #WoPop #bebo #cigala
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #WoPop
Bebo & Cigala:
🎵 Lagrimas Negras
#nowplaying #WoPop #bebo #cigala
@vga256 I'm looking for a definitive timeline — maybe I should make one — I feel like it should definitely mention #Bebo and #Snapchat
I found this by Hannah Herman
I love that people all have their own #NetHistory sagas, depending on their ages. #mIRC or #MSNMessenger, #Friendster, #Bebo, #HabboHotel or now #Snapchat and #TikTok. When and how we first got online is a rite of passage now.
Sorry, I'm rambling, as ever!
#tiktok #snapchat #habbohotel #bebo #friendster #MSNMessenger #mirc #nethistory
Great read!
"Today, it’s getting harder to believe that these networks will last forever. In the blink of an eye, they’ve gone from unassailable eternal mountains to shifting sands that might blow away at at time. Users are scrambling to download their data and tell their friends where they can be found if (when?) the service disappears.
How did these systems go from permanent to ephemeral? How did it happen so quickly..."
#socialmedia #twitter #facebook #myspace #bebo
#bebo #myspace #facebook #twitter #socialmedia
Huge shifts in social media use going into 2023.
Time to update the #hotmail link on your #myspace and #bebo account?
@MuellerSheWrote Nice to see you on Mastodon.
I think that #Elon may be encountering his #BEBO or #MySpace moment 👍
En malpli ol du semajnoj mia filino jam pisis kaj fekis sur min dum ŝanĝado de vindotuko 😑 🤦♂️
Hodiaŭ mi kunigis lulilon. Bebo alvenas tre verŝajne ene de 10 tagoj 😮
Mi devas aĉeti beboĉareton kaj mi tute ne scias kion elekti. Estas tiom multe da elektoj kaj surprizas min ke multaj el ili estas KOSTEGAJ!!! Nu, la kosto certe helpos elekti ĉar multaj estas tro kostaj, sed diable, kiom da elektoj!!!
#venasbebo #bebo #bebé #stroller #babystroller
Bebo scrive una lettera al sindaco Matteo Lepore #LoStatoSociale #MatteoLepore #Bologna #MUSICA #musica #NEWS #bebo
#bebo #news #musica #bologna #matteolepore #lostatosociale
Cortile in Comune, Bebo dialoga con Coma_Cose e Willie Peyote #ATTUALITA'EPOLITICA #Summerschool #Featured #Cortile #LOCALE #MUSICA #NEWS #bebo
#bebo #news #musica #locale #cortile #featured #summerschool #attualita
Lo Stato Sociale si fa in 5, un EP a settimana #LoStatoSociale #sanremo #MUSICA #NEWS #bebo
#lostatosociale #sanremo #musica #news #bebo
Bebo chief reveals plan to take on Facebook and Twitter
This seems interesting, I wonder if there is a way to reach out to Michael Birch and ask if he would consider adding ActivityPub so that any service can talk to the Fediverse.
#bebo #reboot #news #riival #facebook #twitter #bbc #tech
Mi spektis la filmon #Brightburn Temas pri junaj geedzoj, kiuj ne povas havi infanojn. Neatendite #stelŝipo kolizas kontraŭ farmo en #Kansaso. Ene de tiu stelŝipo ili troviĝas #bebo. La rakonto sukcesas kiel fantazia horora filmo. Eĉ, laŭ mi, kiel parabolo pri #patrineco. Certe, hehe, tiu bebo estas #perversulo
#brightburn #stelŝipo #Kansaso #bebo #patrineco #perversulo