Michael MJD published a nice video on #youtube about @haiku . Good first insight, if you are interested in #alternative #operationsystems that are different from #Linux or #BSD. It’s origins go back to #BeOS and the #BeBox in the 1990s. #RetroComputing #retro #haiku #HaikuOS #OS #AlternativeOS
#youtube #alternative #operationsystems #linux #bsd #beos #bebox #retrocomputing #retro #haiku #haikuos #os #alternativeos
I understand why they ditched PPC support, but I wish I had something more modern to run on my BeBox. That aside, what the Haiku team has pulled off in this latest release is awe-inspiring!
When I was younger I was always interested in alt computing. The two systems I dreamed of owning were an SGI Indigo 2 MAX Impact and a BeBox.
Every now and then I look for an Indigo 2 on eBay, but I'm yet to see one with the specification I want at the right price in good condition.
I've accepted I'll never own a BeBox though, they are too rare and thus too expensive. Even 25 years later they still look absolutely amazing.
Just look at those ports!
Nice comprehensive podcast episode from 2020 about #BeInc, #BeBox and #BeOS by @snazzyq@twitter.com and @ismh@twitter.com
Even mentioned @HaikuOS@twitter.com https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/the-be-computer-company/id1498617506?i=1000472510118
RT @beBOX_JP: アークナイツ×BeBox『アークナイツ シージ 昇進段階二ver.』1/7スケールフィギュアが本日より予約受注開始!
ドクターの皆さん、よろしくお願いいたします!#アークナイツ #BeBox https://t.co/T8QQWWAq61
Yeah, someone did it! 3D-printable #BeBox for #raspberrypi
Where’s the ARM port @haikuOS@twitter.com ?
(I know. It’s being developed right now.)
http://bbenchoff.github.io by bbenchoff https://bbenchoff.github.io/pages/BeBox.html
RT @DmitriyMoroz@twitter.com
BeOS turns 25! On the 3rd of October 1995, Be Inc. presented #BeBox & #BeOS to the world during the Agenda conference. The demo was successfully received with standing ovation, for the 2nd time in Agenda's history. Here's the recording: https://youtu.be/sz3IRWM18zM @haikuOS@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DmitriyMoroz/status/1312167425283026945