Fralambert · @Fralambert
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DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
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considers reopening power station

by Philip Authier, August 10, 2023

QUEBEC – "Hydro-Québec is currently studying the possibility of reopening the mothballed Gentilly-2 nuclear plant in to boost ’s available power resources in the face of soaring demand.

"On Thursday, Hydro officials confirmed the news, first reported by the Journal de Montréal .

"'Concerning the Gentilly-2 station, an evaluation on the current state of the station is underway, to evaluate our options and to feed our reflection on Quebec’s future energy offering,' the utility said in a statement to the Montreal Gazette.

"The new CEO of Hydro-Québec, , is already on the record saying he has 'an open mind (on future options) given the context of a strong increase in demand,' the statement added.

"'We are evaluating different possible options to increase the production of clean electricity. It would be irresponsible at this time to exclude certain energy sectors.'

"In 2012, the government endorsed a recommendation from Hydro-Québec to close Gentilly-2, a reactor, mainly owing to the high costs of upgrading the installation. It cost Hydro-Québec $80 million to shut down the plant.

"With a capacity of 675 megawatts, the Gentilly-2 reactor started producing power in 1981."


#hydroquebec #gentilly2 #nuclear #becancour #quebec #michaelsabia #partiquebecois #candu #nuclearplants #environment #waterislife #NuclearWaste

Last updated 1 year ago

Claude Boucher · @bouchecl
60 followers · 94 posts · Server

#vequebec #becancour #batteries

Last updated 2 years ago