gcvsa ⭐️🔰🇺🇸🇵🇭 · @gcvsa
27 followers · 2205 posts · Server mstdn.plus

I am fortunately not intolerant, because I'm half and half European, but I use so little in my diet that if I buy fresh milk without a specific plan for it ( ?), at least half of it will spoil before I use it. When I was living and when I was , I switched to sweetened condensed milk for my morning , Viet-style, because it keeps well without . (, too)

Because of that, I never have fresh milk on hand when I want it.

#lactose #filipino #milk #bechamel #offgrid #homeless #coffee #refrigeration #eggs

Last updated 1 year ago

Adam Fields · @fields
521 followers · 1077 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Pizza getting ready to go in the oven, half roasted mushroom and red onion with balsamic glaze (topped with arugula after cooking), half Hawaiian with ham, canned pineapple, and pineapple bechamel sweetened with the juice from the pineapple can and a bit of extra sugar. This sauce was kind of great and I can think of a bunch of other ways to use it.

#dinner #pizza #hawaiianpizza #bechamel #cooking

Last updated 2 years ago

tth · @tth
153 followers · 459 posts · Server mastodon.tetaneutral.net

@montaukgirl Réussir du premier coup une


Last updated 2 years ago

Taina · @dianor
340 followers · 482 posts · Server mastodon.lol

If is your thing, one amazing hack I would suggest with starter discard on top of all the pancakes and such is using the as a . I started this out of curiosity years ago with classic by melting the butter and adding the starter in. The water evaporates quite quickly and you get a basic roux.

The flavourgame from the acidic and complex flavours of sourdough elevates the bechamel to a level that will blow your socks off, I promise.

#sourdough #starter #roux #bechamel

Last updated 2 years ago