This week in #Montgomery #Russell #Becket overnight lane closures for pavement marking and bridge and guardrail repair work on I-90 EB/WB, at MM 17- MM 36. Closures in place nightly through 4/14, from 7:00pm until 5:00am the following morning.
[1964] Becket - Your Sunday afternoon film is Becket.
King Henry II of England comes to terms with his affection for his close friend and confidant Thomas Becket, who finds his true honour by observing God's divine will rather than the King's.
Starring Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole, Siân Phillips and John Gielgud.
#OldBritishTelly #oldbritishfilm #becket
59 years ago:
Becket (GB,US)
King Henry II of England has trouble with the Church. When the Archbishop of Canterbury dies, he has a brilliant idea. Rather than appoint another pious cleric loyal to Rome and the Church, he will appoint his old drinking and wenching buddy, Thomas Becket, technically a deacon of the church, to the...
#Becket #PeterGlenville #RichardBurton #PeterOToole #JohnGielgud #AnneVCoates #Paramount #Movies
#becket #peterglenville #richardburton #peterotoole #johngielgud #annevcoates #paramount #movies
Roald Dahl postuum gecastreerd (NRC)
Op die manier wordt het werk van deze briljante, humoristische provocateur in de kinderliteratuur van iedere angel ontdaan. Het wordt braafjes en voorspelbaar.
Citaten uit het stuk:
#literatuur #jeugdliteratuur #boeken #kinderboeken #roald_dahl #sensitivity_reader #uitgever #verbeelding #censuur #woke #anti-woke #dekolonisatie #diversiteit #markt #marktdenken #censuur #reve #du_perron #schmidt #becket
#becket #schmidt #du_perron #reve #marktdenken #markt #diversiteit #Dekolonisatie #anti #woke #censuur #verbeelding #uitgever #sensitivity_reader #roald_dahl #kinderboeken #boeken #jeugdliteratuur #literatuur
Today 2/7, in #Becket daytime lane closures for pavement repair work on I-90 WB at mile marker 17.3. Work will be conducted from 7am until 4pm.
Incredibly busy yesterday and totally forgot to post this in honor of the day.
#becket #feastofstthomasbecket #canterbury #murderinthecathedral
#becket #feastofstthomasbecket #canterbury #murderinthecathedral
'Unbar the door! unbar the door!
We are not here to triumph by fighting, by stratagem, or by resistance,
Not to fight with beasts as men. We have fought the beast
And have conquered. We have only to conquer
Now, by suffering. This is the easier victory.
Now is the triumph of the Cross, now
Open the door! I command it. OPEN THE DOOR!'
–T.S. Eliot, "Murder in the Cathedral"
I share my birthday with the feast day of Thomas Becket, the day on which he was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral. Here the events of 29 Dec 1170 are carved into a font from Lyngsjö Church, Sweden - on display in 2021 at the British Museum Becket exhibition. We see his murder at the hands of the knights and Edward Grim (one of the witnesses) taking a wound on the arm #medieval #becket #histodons #history #sverige #MedievalMastodon #saint #saints #ThomasBecket
#medieval #becket #histodons #history #sverige #medievalmastodon #saint #saints #thomasbecket
'Since the Holy Innocents a day: the fourth day from Christmas.
"Rejoice we all, keeping holy day."
As for the people, so also for himself, he offereth for sins.
He lays down his life for the sheep.
"Rejoice we all, keeping holy day."
To-day, what is to-day? For the day is half gone.
To-day, what is to-day? But another day, the dusk of the year.
To-day, what is to-day? Another night, and another dawn.'
—T.S. Eliot, "Murder in the Cathedral"
Thursday’s #ImageOfTheDay: a flamboyant window at #Sens Cathedral, south east of Paris. Thomas #Becket found refuge here during his quarrel with Henry II. He was assassinated in #CanterburyCathedral on this day in 1170.
#Canterburycathedral #becket #sens #imageoftheday
I took a Christmas Day break from my big project and ended up scribbling this instead.
Limerick 21: Rhetorical Question, 1170
Thomas Becket met his grisly end on 29 December 1170, because blokes with swords couldn't tell when the boss was venting. (Or was he?)
#Limerick #Poetry #History #Becket
#Oxfordian #ShakespeareAuthorship #Shakespeare #VeroNihilVerius
#limerick #poetry #history #becket #Oxfordian #ShakespeareAuthorship #shakespeare #VeroNihilVerius
This week in #Otis #Blandford #WestStockbridge #Becket bridge and guardrail repairs on I-90 EB and WB. Work will be conducted at various locations and hours from 7:30am on 12/12 until 4:00pm on 12/16.
#otis #blandford #weststockbridge #becket
This week in #Lee #Becket #Blandford #Montgomery #Russell lane closures for nighttime bridge and guardrail repair work on I-90 EB and WB. The work will be conducted from 7:00pm on 11/28, through 5:00am on 12/2.
#lee #becket #blandford #montgomery #russell
In #Lee #Becket #WestStockbridge #Montgomery #Russell lane closures for daytime and overnight bridge and guardrail repair work on I-90 EB and WB. Work ongoing from 7am 11/14, through 5am on 11/18.
#lee #becket #weststockbridge #montgomery #russell
This week in #Lee #Becket and #WestStockbridge daytime and overnight bridge and guardrail repair work on I-90 EB and WB. Lane closures 7:00am on 11/7, through 5:00am on 11/11. Travel will be allowed in all work zones except for the I-90 WB off-ramp at exit 10.
“He became pious and devoted to the church, which Henry found annoying.” #HenryII #Becket #history #medieval #England
#england #henryii #becket #history #medieval
29 décembre 1170 : l'archevêque de Canterbory Thomas #Becket est assassiné par des fidèles du roi d'#Angleterre Henri II #Plantagenêt. Bien que Henri II n'avait pas donné l'ordre d'exécution, il dut faire pénitence et Beckett fut sanctifié.
#becket #angleterre #plantagenêt #cejourla #histoire