"Je suis dans la chambre de ma mère. Je serai quand même bientôt tout à fait mort enfin. Où maintenant ? Quand maintenant ? Qui maintenant ?"
Happy Days review – Judith Lucy is wonderfully disturbing in Samuel Beckett’s masterpiece https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2023/may/06/happy-days-review-judith-lucy-is-wonderfully-disturbing-in-samuel-becketts-masterpiece #theatre #Beckett #HappyDays
‘I just don’t want to crack jokes’: Judith Lucy on stopping standup – and starting Samuel Beckett https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2023/apr/29/i-just-dont-want-to-crack-jokes-judith-lucy-on-stopping-stand-up-and-starting-samuel-beckett #happydays #Beckett
RT @youtopos
@qdnoktsqfr Godᵒᵗ, I have to stop talking to myself when I’m Malone.
RT @youtopos
“The individual is the seat of a constant process of decantation—decantation from the vessel containing the fluid of #future time (sluggish, pale and monochrome) to the vessel containing the fluid of #past time (agitated and multicoloured by the phenomena of its hours)”—#Beckett.
Beckett end game as production of Waiting for Godot canceled after director auditions only male actors.
A play the author and his estate have shut down before for gender-bending casting.
Where do creative rights begin/end in today’s cultural milieu?
Where do creative rights begin/end in today’s changing cultural milieu?
#beckett #gender #waitingforgodot #theatre
Il y a tout juste 15 ans : on a vu Sami Frey lit Samuel Beckett
Cap au Pire est une des dernières œuvres de Samuel Beckett. Un texte plein d'une douleur mis en mots à un moment où ... Suite sur https://www.bigorre.org/publication/2008-01-25_sami-frey-lit-samuel-beckett @samifrey #samifrey @beckett #beckett @tarbestheatredesnouveautes #tarbes <img src="https://www.bigorre.org/imgl/20080125_sami_frey_cap_au_pire.jpg" alt="Sami Frey lit Samuel Beckett">
https://www.bigorre.org/publication/2008-01-25_sami-frey-lit-samuel-beckett vii
When Vladimir wants to talk to Estragon no longer you get 'The Banshees of Inisherin.' Go watch that film! #Beckett
"Suche nicht nach einer Bedeutung in den Worten. Höre auf die Stille."
Grâce à cet apéricube, je viens de me taper toute la fiche Wikipedia sur Samuel #Beckett et je ne comprends toujours pas
Watching this impressive piece of #cinema tonight, The Banshees of Inisherin, I was reminded of something I think on often:
In all my reading of #philosophy, it's never happened that the #Irish cultural spirit in me has found itself resonating, though that spirit in itself is deeply, tragi-comically, existential. Just as #Shakespeare is the profoundest of all England's thinkers, #Synge, #Beckett, #Joyce all said things no philosophy has spoken.
#cinema #philosophy #irish #shakespeare #synge #beckett #joyce #colinfarrell #brendangleeson #martinmcdonagh
RT @TheLitCritGuy@twitter.com
In 1929 #Beckett published his first work, the essay 'Dante... Bruno. Vico.. Joyce' defending Joyce's method from accusations of obscurity
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TheLitCritGuy/status/498190537271549952
RT @iolandabatalle@twitter.com
mira @Tnicasares@twitter.com quin #Beckett m’ha trobat #WHOROSCOPE
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/iolandabatalle/status/1204874926873882626
Hi friends! I just learned to spell "mastodon." Here are some things I follow: #writing #literature #LiteraryFiction #fiction #novel #author
#novelist #JamesBaldwin #beckett #barthelme #AliceWalker #GeorgeSaunders #BarbaraComyns #ItaloCalvino #AlfredJarry #GrahamGreene #FlannOBrien #EugeneIonesco #HermanMelville #WitoldGombrowicz #colette #HowardNorman Probably missing lot but you get the idea. Have a great 🦃🦃🦃 day!
#Writing #literature #LiteraryFiction #fiction #novel #author #novelist #jamesbaldwin #beckett #barthelme #alicewalker #georgesaunders #barbaracomyns #italocalvino #alfredjarry #grahamgreene #flannobrien #eugeneionesco #HermanMelville #witoldgombrowicz #colette #howardnorman
Hi friends! I just learned to spell "mastodon." Here are some things I follow: #writing #literature #LiteraryFiction #fiction #novel #author
#novelist #JamesBaldwin #beckett #barthelme #AliceWalker #GeorgeSaunders #BarbaraComyns #ItaloCalvino #AlfredJarry #GrahamGreene #FlannOBrien #EugeneIonesco #HermanMelville #WitoldGombrowicz #colette #HowardNorman #alainrobbegrillet Probably missing a lot but you get the idea. Have a great 🦃🦃🦃 day!
#Writing #literature #LiteraryFiction #fiction #novel #author #novelist #jamesbaldwin #beckett #barthelme #alicewalker #georgesaunders #barbaracomyns #italocalvino #alfredjarry #grahamgreene #flannobrien #eugeneionesco #HermanMelville #witoldgombrowicz #colette #howardnorman #alainrobbegrillet
The #Beckett translation of Drunken Boat (Rimbaud) stuns anew every time. I might read it out as part of our UCU strike this week. https://www.scribd.com/doc/96478299/Rimbaud-Arthur-Drunken-Boat-Samuel-Beckett-Trans
We were attached, you see to the little bridge. For without it how should we get from one part of the garden to the other, without wetting our feet, and perhaps catching a chill, liable to develop into pneumonia, with very likely fatal results.”
- Samuel Beckett, Watt