"While #JohnsonAndJohnson’s main patent for #bedaquiline expired in July, it had faced criticism for using secondary patents – in which small modifications are made to a product to extend a #patent and prevent a product from being sold by competitors." #GenericDrugs
Cost of #tuberculosis treatment halved in deal to permit generic versions | Global development | The Guardian
#tuberculosis #genericdrugs #patent #bedaquiline #johnsonandjohnson
"The #GlobalPatent of the drug ends on Tuesday 18 July, but in a number of countries Johnson & Johnson continues to control the market with #SecondaryPatents – for which small modifications are made to a product to extend a patent.
J&J’s decision will allow the Stop #Tuberculosis Partnership coalition to procure and supply generic #bedaquiline to 44 low- and middle-income countries" #GenericDrugs
Cheaper TB drugs for millions after global deal on patent rights agreed
#genericdrugs #bedaquiline #tuberculosis #secondarypatents #globalpatent
Well holy shit that was fast.
#tuberculosis #bedaquiline #nerdfighteria
#jnj #PatientsNotPatents #Bedaquiline
an important update worth celebrating
not a full release of the patent but stoptb has been granted license to produce generics of bedaquiline. judging by the timing I would say the social media outrage was the difference.
to everyone who devoted their attention:
thank you. thank you. thank you.
#jnj #patientsnotpatents #bedaquiline
The #StopTB partnership released a statement this morning saying #JohnsonAndJohnson has allowed them to produce generic #bedaquiline and make it available in most developing countries, even in those where the secondary patent is still in effect.
While J&J haven’t released their own statement yet, and this isn’t a complete dropping of their patent, this is a huge step forward in ending TB and deserves to be celebrated.
#PatientsNotPatents #tubercolosis #EndTB
#stoptb #johnsonandjohnson #bedaquiline #patientsnotpatents #tubercolosis #endtb
An excellent read on #bedaquiline and #JNJ from MSF (Doctors Without Borders) from back in 2019 https://msfaccess.org/jj-can-you-hear-us-questions-and-answers
What really gets me about JNJ saying ‘the most significant barrier to TB treatment access is being undiagnosed’ is that it completely ignores the fact that not everyone diagnosed with TB gets treatment because, get this, the treatment is too expensive #patientsnotpatents #JNJ #bedaquiline #tuberculosis
#patientsnotpatents #jnj #bedaquiline #tuberculosis
#JNJ is actively going against a recommendation of PIH given in 2020 by attempting to extend the patent of #Bedaquiline. this drug saves lives.
#jnj #bedaquiline #patientsnotpatents
Johnson & Johnson makes a drug called bedaquiline which is essential for treating certain kinds of TB. The patent for bedaquiline is set to expire next week, yet, J&J is trying a sneaky tactic to extend their patent, which means that thousands of people may die needlessly from TB in the next few years.
Ask J&J to change their mind. And if they don't remember their brands.
For more info, here's John Green: https://youtu.be/tMhgw5SW0h4
#bedaquiline #johngreen #jnj #tb #generic #tuberculosis
my mother used to say "life sucks and then you die"
except if you're #JNJ and have the opportunity to allow people to continue to suck you NEED TO TAKE THAT OPPORTUNITY.
they've recouped their portion of the investment over the 20 year patent on #Bedaquiline as a treatment for #Tuberculosis and #MDRTB. when the patent expires, it's time for the drug to be produced generically at a lower cost to create higher availability and save hundreds of thousands of lives.
#jnj #bedaquiline #tuberculosis #mdrtb #patientsnotpatents
Since I know many people here on dftba.club deleted their twitters, I’ll repost john and hank’s tweets regarding #JohnsonAndJohnson’s quest to kill millions with treatable #Tuberculosis to make a few more bucks on #Bedaquiline.
I’ll post them as unlisted replies to this toot to minimize spam, so if you want to view them you can follow me or return to this post later.
I’m currently on mobile so I’ll be a bit slow due to alt text taking a bit to write.
#johnsonandjohnson #tuberculosis #bedaquiline
We’ve got work to do! #bedaquiline #johnsonandjohnson #tuberculosis
#bedaquiline #johnsonandjohnson #tuberculosis
Johnson and Johnson is extending their patent on #bedaquiline, a TB treatment which was discovered using public research money. That decision will deny access to a life saving treatment to 6 million people. Most of those people will die.
Johnson & Johnson is poised to kill hundreds of thousands of people with treatable #Tuberculosis by exploiting loopholes in order to extend their monopoly on the drug #Bedaquiline after already having had 20 years of patent protection.
J&J think you won’t care because it’ll mostly be impoverished people in poor countries who will die. Prove them wrong.
#tuberculosis #bedaquiline #jnj #mdrtb #johnsonandjohnsongreed
Via John Green:
"Tell #Johnson&Johnson that evergreening their patent on #Bedaquiline, which will deny millions of people access to live-saving treatment, is a violation of their corporate credo.
Generic bedaquiline will drive down the cost of the drug by over 60%, allowing far more communities to access and distribute treatment. Johson & Johnson must drop their efforts to enforce the secondary patents."
The #USTaxpayers invested up to $1.2 Billion, #BillionDollars, in #Bedaquiline out spending #JnJ by up to a factor of 5:1 (#Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7500616/#pone.0239118.s001)
Where is our #ROI if the patent office approves their clinically insignificant formulation tweak and extends their patent?
#ustaxpayers #billiondollars #bedaquiline #jnj #source #ROI
If the #USTaxpayers invested in #Bedaquiline, we need to sue #JnJ (Johnson & Johnson) for the generic access just like we did for #Truvada! @aoc.
#ustaxpayers #bedaquiline #jnj #truvada
New research article in The Lancet Microbe>
#Bedaquiline and #clofazimine resistance in #Mycobacterium #tuberculosis: an in-vitro and in-silico data analysis
#AMR #tb #tuberculosis #mycobacterium #clofazimine #bedaquiline