Geschichten, die wir uns erzählen.
Der Staat ist nur eine Geschichte, die wir uns erzählen.
Der Urknall ist eine Geschichte, die wir uns erzählt haben.
Materie ist nicht fundamental.
#metaphysik #unrealengine #identitetris #belltheorem #somuchfun #simulation #simumationtheory #nobody #bedifferent #thinkdifferent #doppelspalt
#metaphysik #unrealengine #identitetris #belltheorem #somuchfun #simulation #simumationtheory #nobody #bedifferent #ThinkDifferent #Doppelspalt
Never be frightened to tread a path different from the crowd.
Every individual's journey is unique, and it's the road less traveled that often leads to remarkable destinations.
Embrace your own path, your own story.
After all, life isn't about following the crowd, it's about making your own way.
Making a positive decision every day makes a difference to everyone who crosses yourbpath too.
#chenelno1 #positivedecisions #positivevibes #bedifferent #quoteoftheday2023
#chenelno1 #positivedecisions #positivevibes #bedifferent #quoteoftheday2023
I've noticed there are certain indy type foundries who charge way more than others. These are the ones who are fashionable, the ones that all the ultra cool hipster branding studios go to, so they all look the same.
But there are indy foundries out there doing things that are slightly different, have their spin and with more reasonable rates.
Look around, don't just get the same neo-grotesk that the big name design studios used on a brand you saw on Insta.
#design #graphicDesign #beDifferent
#design #graphicdesign #bedifferent
„Ich traue mich oft nicht mich zu melden, da ich Angst etwas falsches zu sagen“
Sorry aber auf solche Aussagen habe ich kein Bock mehr! Jeder Mensch verdient es seine Stärken zu kennen und sich selbst gut zu finden⚠️
In meinen wöchentlichen Coachings hat dieses Ziel oberste Priorität.
Gemeinsam stärken wir die junge Menschen.
Was steht auf deinem Stärke- Kartenspiel?
#mentalegesundheit #traudich #bedifferent #mut #selbstbewusstsein #mindset #mentaltraining
#mentaleGesundheit #traudich #bedifferent #mut #Selbstbewusstsein #mindset #mentaltraining
#BeDifferent just not too different is the actual message which just leads to even more over-analyzing yourself and carefully planning every action.
February Fun - Day 3
This is just a funny piece I came up with quite a while ago. "Why be a snowman, when you can be a sandman" - being "different" (whatever that actually means) is totally okay 🙂
#FebruaryFun #AYearForArt #mindful #photography #BeDifferent #BeYou #MastoArt #FediGiftShop #sandman #snowman #thoughts
#februaryfun #ayearforart #mindful #photography #bedifferent #beyou #mastoart #fedigiftshop #sandman #snowman #thoughts
Know that you can start late, look different, be uncertain, and still succeed. Many entrepreneurs started late in life and became mega-successful. Believe that you can!
#success #motivation #latebloomer #bedifferent, #unique #uncertain #succeed #WomenWednesday #WinningWednesday
#success #motivation #latebloomer #bedifferent #unique #uncertain #succeed #womenwednesday #winningwednesday
Cunningham's Law - the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question but to post the wrong answer.. People are more interested in criticizing than helping. #BeDifferent
Here I type what my mind perceived(in the way of a summary) from toots:
#Perception Of The Most Recent Within The Last <, > or = 7 Hours in #LocalNeurodifferentMe using hashtags:
#dog #picture #livingthemoment
#emotionalpeople #cats #stressrelief on #campus #yahoo
#amase / #amaseorguk #disabilities
#NoteToSelf #SelfCare #Instagram
#Accessibility #Neurodivergence
#Mastodoninstance related to #Gaming
Caturday cat
I don't know. Skip.
#autistics with #accents
cat #detail #description #accessibility
#askingautistics relation to #objects and #emotion #sensory
#hyperfocus in #work and #studies
#gaming #blizzard #WorldOfWarcraft
#Neuronormativity #Author #NickWalker
I stop here at the most recent 7 hours of activity here on #NeurodifferentMe cause I learnt something new which interested me.
> Focusing on, or privileging, the neurotypical over the neurodiverse.
Do you consider this an ok description of the word "Neuronormative"?
This style of post helped me because my brain often focuses on only a few toots and I don't normally get the #BigPicture. It is because I often can get caught in only living the moment and I have no way to escape the moment to see the bigger picture. This post style helps me to escape.
I try to not judge in how I express what my perception is of everyone's post. I may fail and you may comment on my failure so #icanlearnfromyou.
#perception #localneurodifferentme #food #VeganFood #dog #picture #livingthemoment #emotionalpeople #cats #stressrelief #campus #yahoo #amase #amaseorguk #disabilities #whatsontv #TheSnowman #olympic #swimming #Caturday #cat #notetoself #SelfCare #instagram #accessibility #neurodivergence #MastodonInstance #gaming #autistics #accents #detail #description #AskingAutistics #objects #emotion #sensory #bouquet #flowers #Christmas #bedifferent #embedded #video #dropbox #window #hyperfocus #work #studies #blizzard #WorldOfWarcraft #neuronormativity #author #nickwalker #neurodifferentme #CCBYSA3 #BigPicture #icanlearnfromyou
Innovation can happen anywhere, but it takes someone doing something different for it to be possible. Today’s prompts: Is there a solution to a challenge you're facing? Have you considered all of the options, including some that won't exist until you try them? Are you open to possibility? #MindsetChangers #opportunity #innovation #change #growth #keepGoing #shift #pivot #lifeHack #Lessons4AllOfUs #saturdayVibes #founders #authorChat #writer #risk #beDifferent #GiveItATry #meditation #mindset
#mindsetchangers #opportunity #innovation #change #growth #keepgoing #shift #pivot #lifehack #lessons4allofus #saturdayvibes #founders #authorchat #writer #risk #bedifferent #giveitatry #meditation #mindset
И вышла я в большой мир мастодонта. И разделился этот мир на как прежде мной любимых хороших людей и г@внюков. Как будто из Москвы в область выехала. Но до вторых мне, собственно, дела и нет. Если ты меня не любишь, то я тоже нет. Если ты меня забудешь - то и я в ответ 😜