Could this possibly mean #Minecraft #BedrockLinux support?
I think that #bedrockLinux might be the best way to run #audioGameManager on anything that isn't #archLinux.
#bedrocklinux #audiogamemanager #archlinux
#BedrockLinux is love. #BedrockLinux is life. #BedrockLinux is like if you had an infinite pocket dimension and built your house there but the door opens into the real world and you can map which windows open into which rooms.
For free.
Let no one tell you, "beware Bedrock Linux, for it is brittle and fraught", for they are ill-informed. Such has been said about #ArchLinux, and indeed the idea of Free Software itself - yet they stand.
#bedrocklinux #archlinux #notsponsoredjustgenuinelyexcited
I want to switch back to #bedrocklinux although I don't really know what kind of distro I could hijack
The #distrohopping adventure continues!
Right now I am loking at #bedrocklinux :bedrock: and #KissLinux and they ate both very intresting projects. If someone uses tjem I want to know how it works for you.
Linux fun box ! :linuxpizza1:
#linux #unix #bedrocklinux #programming #security #bedrock #programming #softwareengineer #developmen #cybersecurity #programmers #computer #webdesign #softwaredeveloper
#softwaredeveloper #webdesign #computer #programmers #cybersecurity #developmen #softwareengineer #bedrock #security #programming #bedrocklinux #unix #linux
@Ultra I use #distrobox now because on #bedrocklinux if there is a bug on one distro it will effect most of the whole system. And distrobox adds a level of security and stability because it doesn't mess with the root filesystem.
Switched to #void GNU/Linux a week ago.
Finally got around to injecting #bedrocklinux: I have to say it is amazing.
I'll probably move to Alpine with #arch and #gentoo strata, when I get a buy a new computer.
#void #bedrocklinux #arch #gentoo #screenshotsunday
@Linux4Everyone @thelinuxEXP @DestinationLinux I recently heard of #bedrocklinux through #linuxunpluged , so i used it to install the #archlinux AUR on Pop OS 21.04 and it works. Too bad thare is not enough content on bedrock Linux on ether odysee or YouTube. I would love to see other content on this topic.
#bedrocklinux #archlinux #linuxunpluged
@johanv first I've heard of #bedrockLinux. Sounds like an interesting idea, though it's hard to see it being worth the overhead (in terms of disk space and complexity). But one I'll keep my eyes on, anyway.
Any initial thoughts on #void? I think that will be my next distros hop with my laptop
I continued my #Valentine's Day tradition of installing a new unfamiliar Linux distro. This time I installed #BedrockLinux underneath #VoidLinux. I really like Bedrock's ability to use the AUR in any distro! It all started on Valentine's Day 2016 when my Ubuntu system crapped out and I spent all night installing #Arch. #ilovefs
#valentine #bedrocklinux #voidlinux #arch #ilovefs