Jeff MacKinnon · @Jeff
245 followers · 2570 posts · Server

Even the bees thought it was hot yesterday.

#bees #beehive

Last updated 1 year ago

AI6YR · @ai6yr
4753 followers · 32633 posts · Server

Lost our first to . The beehive was loaded with honey, and another hive decided to take it for themselves; they overwhelmed the small set of guard bees, killed the queen, and stole all the honey. A bit of a mess to clean up today, this happened a week or so ago and the flies had gotten to the remaining brood, plus wax moths had just started laying. Lesson: 1. keep the entrance SMALL with a new hive 2. Don't have that much honey for a regenerating hive.

#beehive #raiders #beekeeping

Last updated 1 year ago

Sand Hill Thicket · @SandHillThicket
194 followers · 666 posts · Server

Performed inspection on our original . Lots of stored pollen, very little nectar/honey, & a few capped drone cells. must have eaten their stores during the . Put a trough of nectar in. Pondering putting a frame of eggs in from swarm hive.๐Ÿค”

#beehive #bees #heatdome #beekeeping

Last updated 1 year ago

For ๐Ÿ:
with Blackberry Branches (Cheese Stand)
Minton & Co., design registered 1862
glazed earthenware ( )

spotted at last yearโ€™s Majolica Mania exhibition at the Walters Art Museum

#worldhoneybeeday #beehive #majolica

Last updated 1 year ago

Sand Hill Thicket · @SandHillThicket
183 followers · 597 posts · Server

Did inspections today. Our original is still in stasis - a lot of , but very little brood, & are only working on the original 5 drawn out frames that came with the we purchased in spring. There must be a new in the hive because we saw a few larva. We cannot figure out why she hasn't laid a bunch of brood, unless she died recently. Stumped.

In contrast, our swarm hive is outta control & made burr comb on the underside of the queen excluder!๐Ÿ˜‚ /1

#beehive #hive #honey #nuc #virginqueen #beekeeping

Last updated 1 year ago

MsPullThatCork · @Nancy
135 followers · 281 posts · Server
PullThatCork · @pbourget
282 followers · 654 posts · Server
Ben · @ben_zen
148 followers · 859 posts · Server

So, a few weeks ago I harvested about 12oz of honey from a I help maintain. I just put some on some Cheddar on wheat crackers, and my experience can best be summed up as:

I could picture the spot I would stand at, and the angle I would face in, to smell the combination of flowers in the air that tastes like this honey.

I'm currently about 100 miles from the hive that I harvested this from, but I know that property well enough to know the scents of it. This is a fascinating experience.


Last updated 1 year ago

· @maexchen1
134 followers · 3284 posts · Server


The first leaning Tower outside Pisa ๐Ÿ˜…


Last updated 1 year ago

noodles · @vermicelli
20 followers · 93 posts · Server

A good song for a difficult day. A love song to nature.

#folkmusic #beehive #niamhbury

Last updated 1 year ago

AI6YR · @ai6yr
4347 followers · 27799 posts · Server

It appears a we were rotating through here has been commandeered. (Taken over by a much stronger, larger hive)

#beekeeping #beehive

Last updated 1 year ago

Sandy Lawrence · @swlawrence
42 followers · 232 posts · Server

AAAS: "Bees and wasps solve geometry problem the same way." Here is the conundrum these insects must confront: How to craft a nest out of hexagons of 2 different sizes [look at that photo carefully]. Bees + wasps parted evolutionarily some 180 million yrs ago. Both bees + wasps build nests, or combs, of hexagonal cells, which maximize storage space and stability and minimize the amount of building material required. But larger individuals, such as the massive queen bee, require bigger cells. The mismatch of cell sizes could impair the structural stability of the comb. After analyzing photos from the nests of 5 different bee species + 5 of wasps, the researchers found similar building techniques solved the geometry problem. "If the size difference between small and large cells is not too big, the bugs build slightly misshapen medium-size hexagonal cells between them, if the size difference is larger, they fill the gap by also mixing in pairs of neighboring cells, one with five sides and the other with seven." We've known for a long time bees can count using natural numbers, hence the capacity of using the bee dance to indicate how far away a source of nectar is located. But geometry? What's next, calculus? Could you do this if you were working by touch in the dark? Are bees at risk of diabetes, what with their sugar intake? Could bees + wasps substitute in our schools, what with the teacher shortage? Intriguing questions, no? ย  ย  ย 

#beehive #evolution

Last updated 1 year ago

AI6YR · @ai6yr
4330 followers · 27540 posts · Server

They are louder and if you do a sound frequency analysis, you'll notice instead of most of the calm hives, A3, we have a G#3 hive here. Don't know if that is significant, but it is different. This hive is also louder (not captured in the graph/sound), i.e. more bees react when you open the hive than others.

#beehive #science #frequency #analysis

Last updated 1 year ago

AI6YR · @ai6yr
4310 followers · 27258 posts · Server

Baited , hoping to recapture a lost hive (which is around here somewhere, for sure - started scouting the box even before I got it set up fully).


Last updated 1 year ago

AI6YR · @ai6yr
4300 followers · 27197 posts · Server

Drat, lost a new split to ants. The folks who wanted the hive only noticed the ants today, but looks like they absconded a day or two ago, can't figure out where they went. (nearby... as soon as I opened my vehicle a bunch started scouting it out). Cleaned out the ants, sprayed ant spray on the legs, crossing fingers they maybe move back. On the plus side, they did generate a queen... who left with them, it appears.

#beehive #beekeeping

Last updated 1 year ago

· @glennmaxwell1002
0 followers · 2517 posts · Server

National Foundation

These are flat-packed Brood/Deep British National frames with gimp pins. They are self spacing and mostly used in British National, WBC and similarly sized beehives.The frames are A grade quality and can be used mixed with DN1 frames if plastic spacers are also used.These are the national brood frames with DN4 top bar.

Visit us :-

#beehive #beesuppliesIreland #beehivesforsale #Irishbeesupplies #beekeepingforbeginners #correxnucbox

Last updated 1 year ago

· @andrewrihana421
0 followers · 3244 posts · Server

Bee Supplies Ireland

Apis bee supplies based in Ireland supplies all types of beekeeping supplies and equipment that help honey beekeepers to make their business grow..The beehives are handmade locally by Chris Jeuken. Chris, having grown up on a farm in the west of Ireland, was always exposed to the practical aspects of farm life.

#beehive #beesuppliesIreland #beehivesforsale #Irishbeesupplies #beekeepingforbeginners #correxnucbox #correxnucboxinireland

Last updated 1 year ago

AI6YR · @ai6yr
4256 followers · 26484 posts · Server

More (probably should do this scientifically, rather than willy nilly, noting time of day, temperature, direction of hive entrance, how many frames, honey/no honey, etc. etc. etc.)

#beehive #sounds #beekeeping

Last updated 1 year ago

AI6YR · @ai6yr
4251 followers · 26388 posts · Server

This is a - what does that mean? No idea. Higher pitched hives, however, usually are more agitated... these are all mellow (ie no one in hive, not annoyed).

#g3 #beehive #beekeeping #sound

Last updated 1 year ago

AI6YR · @ai6yr
4251 followers · 26387 posts · Server

Yet another recording of a ... (different one!) Another one we are unsure of the queen status.

#sound #beehive

Last updated 1 year ago