Some new annuals have popped into bloom in the front #meadow ( #BeeLawn ) in small numbers scattered here and there. These maybe plants to support when reseeding this fall.
Collinsia grandiflora. Large flowered collinsia. A cousin of the April blooming Collinsia parviflora.
Plagiobothrys figuratus. Popcorn flower.
Lupinus bicolor. Miniature Lupine. A legume
Rhinanthus minor. Yellow Rattle. A parasitic plant that will keep the grasses from taking over.
#meadow #beelawn #nativeplants #washingtonstate #annuals
It got hot for a bit, and a lot has changed in the last two weeks. The front #meadow ( #BeeLawn ) has lost most of its blue (Nemophila) and pink flowers (Plectritis) which were replaced by white meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba). It is not as good a show, but seems to attract more pollinators -- tiny things ant-like things, bumble bees, and the hover flies (flower flies).
#NativePlants #annuals #Limnanthes #pollinators #WashingtonState #PacificNorthwest
#meadow #beelawn #nativeplants #annuals #limnanthes #pollinators #washingtonstate #pacificnorthwest
Seablush (Plectritis congesta) is putting out lot of pink blooms in the front #BeeLawn. It looks great with the baby blue-eyes (Nemophila menziesii). I think the mini lupine (Lupinus bicolor) will be the next to show color.
#NativePlants #meadow #Plectritis #Nemophila #lupine #annual
#PacificNorthwest #WashingtonState #FlowerPhoto
#beelawn #nativeplants #meadow #plectritis #nemophila #lupine #annual #pacificnorthwest #washingtonstate #flowerphoto
The front yard #meadow ( #BeeLawn ) is starting to look flowery now that the baby blue-eyes (Nemophila menziesii) are popping into bloom.
Pollinators are, finally, starting to appear as well. I saw my first honey bee yesterday working the blooms. There were a few wasps visiting the tulips, two bumble bees wandering about, and many tiny unidentifiable things flitting about, but I don't notice them visiting blooms. It is still early.
#meadow #beelawn #bees #wasps #nemophila #pacificnorthwest #washingtonstate
The front lawn ( #BeeLawn ) on Earth Day. The baby blue-eyes (Nemophila menziesii) has produced scattering of blooms in response to the sun. The species tulips in the border opened for the sun as well.
#meadow #Nemophila #tulips #WashingtonState #PacificNorthwest #flowers
#beelawn #meadow #nemophila #tulips #washingtonstate #pacificnorthwest #flowers
An April 19th review of what has germinated and been identified in the front #meadow ( #BeeLawn ):
In order of prevalence.
Dwarf Farewell-to-Spring (Clarkia a.)
Baby blue-eyes (Nemophila menziesii) (Starting to bloom)
Seablush (Plectritis congesta)
White Meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba)
Blue-eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora) (Blooming)
Miniature Lupine (Lupinus bicolor)
Yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor)
A volunteer Geranium sp.
#NativePlants #germination #seeds #WashingtonState #PacificNorthwest
#meadow #beelawn #nativeplants #germination #seeds #washingtonstate #pacificnorthwest
No new blooms, but two more plants are joining the mess in the front #meadow ( #BeeLawn ):
Miniature lupine (Lupinus bicolor), a short (6") annual lupine. There are a lot of these poping up here and there
And yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor), an annual semi-parasitic (on grasses) plant that grows to about a foot. So far, there are only two that I can see.
Both sown last September.
#annual #NativePlants #Lupinus #Rhinanthus #germination #seeds #WashingtonState #PacificNorthwest
#meadow #beelawn #annual #nativeplants #lupinus #rhinanthus #germination #seeds #washingtonstate #pacificnorthwest
The baby blue-eyes (Nemophila menziesii) is just starting to flower in the front #meadow ( #BeeLawn ). There will be a LOT more of these in the next few weeks. Also, in the photo, slightly below and to the left of the flower, a seablush (Plectritis congesta) is showing a little pink. Both were sown in September of last year.
#Nemophilia #NativePlants #annual
#WashingtonState #PacificNorthwest
#meadow #beelawn #nemophilia #nativeplants #annual #washingtonstate #pacificnorthwest
More spring blooms in the front lawn #meadow ( #BeeLawn ), this time two somewhat invasive weeds:
Shotweed (Cardamine hirsuta), also called hairy bittercress (even though there no hairs I can see). It makes narrow seedpods the that explode when touched throwing seeds across the yard.
And common chickweed (Stellaria media).
Both are common short garden weeds introduced from Eurasia. It took me about 30 minutes to hand weed the lawn.
#meadow #beelawn #weed #washingtonstate #pacificnorthwest
Last fall's seeding of the front yard #meadow ( #BeeLawn ) has its first blooms: Small Flowered Blue-eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora).
It is a native winter annual with tiny blue flowers. I sowed it last October, and noticed its first blooms the first week of April, but given the lingering winter this year, I'd expect it earlier most years.
#Collinsia #FlowerPhoto #seeds #germination #annual #NativePlants #WashingtonState
#meadow #beelawn #collinsia #flowerphoto #seeds #germination #annual #nativeplants #washingtonstate
Last fall's seeding of the front yard #meadow ( #BeeLawn ) appears to be doing much better than the spring seeding. What did I do differently?
I seeded in the fall.
I doubled the seeding rate (~200seeds/sqft).
I expanded the variety of #NativePlants.
I baited for slugs.
Photo is a typical area: lots of farewell-to-spring, seablush and baby blue eyes, also white meadowfoam, unknown clover and a volunteer Geranium (dissectum, bicknellii, or carolinianum).
#meadow #beelawn #nativeplants #seeds