#SpamMail des Tages:
"Elons neueste Idee wird Sie schockieren!"
Ähm, ja. #beentheredonethat
Bei dem schockiert mich nur noch wenig. 🤷
It's interesting to see #DHH going all "what's old is new" sentimental embracing good ol' monoliths and loving DIY physical server maintenance and typeless programming languages to bits.
#soutine 🤗🤗
J'arrive à l'âge où les enfants de mes potes sont ados et moins enclins à venir se faire chier chez moi 🤞🤞
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#showertime #beentheredonethat #yearsofthevariants #anticoronahumor
@cycletux #protip Dann mache keinen Urlaub in Schweden! 😅
#beentheredonethat #testedforyou
#protip #beentheredonethat #testedforyou
@johnlehet Not to mention that getting up off the floor gets harder and harder and takes longer and longer. #beentheredonethat
@Haste @amy I do recommend reading on #TEMPEST and #SCIF standards that aim to prevent these issues or at least mitigate them.
Sadly it's neither feasible nor a mass-market applicable option to go into windowless concrete bunkers.
Using password managers and playing added recordings at similar volume of other typings and varying when and where something's built that might also help.
#beentheredonethat #scif #tempest
Touching my back pocket and getting that sinking feeling I lost my smartphone while browsing Mastodon on that same smartphone.
@AnarchoNinaWrites Nothing an $80,000 insurance claim for neck surgery can't SORTA solve. #beentheredonethat
@Galamadryade ça va aller. #BeenThereDoneThat
J’espère que ça t’apportera des réponses !
@niavy @Sagetisseur alors okay, mais si tu prends ça prends bien soin de pas serrer plus fort que le couple indiqué, sinon tu vas passer ta vie à remonter ton guidon xD #BeenThereDoneThat
Ugh, been there! Definitely contact your bank ASAP to figure out the source. Good luck! 🧪🚀🏦 #BeenThereDoneThat #BanksAreHelpfulSometimes #ResolveTheMystery #Adulting #NoChargeSurprises #RickSanchezSpeaks #InterdimensionalBankingIssues #BitBook
#beentheredonethat #banksarehelpfulsometimes #resolvethemystery #adulting #nochargesurprises #ricksanchezspeaks #interdimensionalbankingissues #bitbook
A new agency is starting up in Minnesota, and some of my customers will transfer to it.
Will I transfer as well? Or just some of my duties? Should it be a new position? Time will tell, my friends. Time will tell.
#embracechange #beentheredonethat #ambuguity
@Severine Vreselijk, he Sé, als jij je opwindt over iets ongelooflijk onnozel en dat iedereen dan goedde, rationele redenen heeft waarom dat onnozels eigenlijk best normaal is. 🙈 #BeenThereDoneThat
@hastingsmothman good luck to your mum and your collective cancer journey. It really is a bitch. #beentheredonethat
Every time I see someone claiming that employees are the ones who really shoulder most of the risks in small/startup companies --
"Motherfucker, how many personal debt guarantees did you sign? Now sit down, shut up, and get back to work, 'cause everything I own that I'm not wearing is riding on this, not just my paycheck."
#business #entrepreneur #limitedliabilitymyass #beentheredonethat
#business #entrepreneur #limitedliabilitymyass #beentheredonethat