James Dolan's fight did ensue
When he barred foes from the MSG view
He wasn't done yet
With his rage go set
Now beer's banned too! Oh, what a hue!
#msg #jamesdolan #facialrecognition #beerban #limerick #poetry
#msg #JamesDolan #facialrecognition #beerban #limerick #poetry
Please let the winning country be Saudi Arabia. 😂 🍻 #WorldCup #BeerBan #Futbol #Football 🏟️ ⚽
Budweiser reveals plan for beers it can't sell at Qatar World Cup. "Winning team gets the entire stock!"
#worldcup #beerban #futbol #football
And it is shown to us plain and clear that in the world over rich people do not follow by the same rules. #worldcup #beerban #worldcup2022 #worldcupqatar
#worldcup #beerban #worldcup2022 #worldcupqatar
via i News (UK)
#qatar2022 #worlcup2022 #beerban #humanrights #cartoon #caricature
I think the furor and outrage over the #BeerBan for the #WorldCup wouldn’t be nearly as bad had 1) #FIFA not announced the change 2 days before the start of the tournament, and 2) if the ban was uniform, as opposed to just for people not paying for the hospitality suites. I wonder what (if any) restitution AB InBev will get for this last-minute rug pull.
It’s such a breach of trust. Does anyone think Qatar would have won the FIFA World Cup if they’d said beforehand they wouldn’t be allowing alcohol at their tournaments? Of course not. #wato #Qatar2022 #BeerBan #Budweiser
#Budweiser #beerban #qatar2022 #wato
@brianbilston You have to do one on the #WorldCup #BeerBan! I think the Qataris have just done everyone a big favour, as no-one has to drink tasteless overpriced corporate liquid any more!
A corrupt and crap #FIFAWorldCup just got even more corrupt and crap. As if the world needed any more reasons to ignore it. #BeerBan #Omnishambles
#fifaworldcup #beerban #omnishambles