RT @moongazerale@twitter.com
Listen out on @BBCNorfolk@twitter.com @CGoreham@twitter.com on Friday 7.50am to find out thanks to support of over 70 Norfolk and Suffolk pubs we are helping @Itsontheball@twitter.com stop young men dying needlessly from #TesticularCancer raising awareness is key and is saving lives. + news of 7 marathon #beerpush
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/moongazerale/status/1613464222129868803
RT @moongazerale@twitter.com
Continuing the music theme 1st discovered @WildwoodKin@twitter.com @DeepdaleCamping@twitter.com played album 496385 times and still love it - especially this one...Breathe best played turned up to 11 https://youtu.be/boR-EaKsgbs via @YouTube@twitter.com one for #beerpush playlist #testicularcancer
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/moongazerale/status/1611685737463783428
RT @moongazerale@twitter.com
OK lots of you asking where #beerpush marathons will be for @Itsontheball@twitter.com in Oct - more deets to follow but the finishing venues and dates so you can pop them in your diary...THANK YOU so much to all of the venues for offering to be part of my mad cap challenge. #testicularcancer
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/moongazerale/status/1610992045346152448
RT @moongazerale@twitter.com
#beerpush 2023 plan coming together 5 pubs set to host us at end of a marathon - room for 2 more then we route plan 7 marathons 7 days! Cheers to @WarehouseBar@twitter.com / @BeersofEurope@twitter.com @DeepdaleCamping@twitter.com @Binham_Chequers@twitter.com @KingsHdNorwich@twitter.com #ashillwhitehart #testicularcancer @Itsontheball@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/moongazerale/status/1593972617450487813
#testicularcancer #ashillwhitehart #beerpush