I'm drinking this beer called Heineken Silver, and it's terrible. You'd think Silver would mean it tastes good but, think about it? Silver tastes bad. Don't make silver-flavored things.
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#Beer #BeerReview #CraftBeer #BeerAdvocate
Rating: 4.14/5
look: 4 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.25
#TrraderJoes has some crazy cheap (7.49/12 pack in OKC) beer and it is surprisingly good.
Very malty, slightly sweet, toasty/nutty
Full mouth feel.
Oddly enough, this reminds of a maltier version of Fat Tire.
Simpler Times Lager | Minhas Craft Brewery | BeerAdvocate
#beer #beerreview #craftbeer #beeradvocate #trraderjoes
#BeerReview of Cabin Boys Cast-a-line #Kolsh #ale
Poured from a can into a Stella glass.
Crisp and clean, this one is tasty. Nice aroma, with some citrus and maybe lemongrass. Dry yet malty.
Very appropriate per style. This one is worth seeking out.
4.25/5 appearance
4.5/5 Aroma
4.5/5 Flavor
4.25/5 Mouthfeel
4.25/5 Overall
Total: 4.41/5.0
Ranking: #241 best out of 541 beers reviewed to date by me on #Beeradvocate
#beerreview #kolsh #ale #beeradvocate #beer #craftbeer
#BeerReview of Anchor Brewery Our Special Ale (2020)
My rating: 4.83/5.0
First an introduction: Poured from a 12 oz bottle into a glass on this night of Purim 2021. I try to always have an OSA ready to enjoy on special occasions, so I was glad for this one, because one year ago at the Jewish holiday of Purim was the last "normal" thing our family did before the pandemic.
Anthem Brewery Peach Pappy Burleson
My score: 4.94/5.0
This wheat #beer brewed with peaces from an #Oklahoma brewery is delightful if you can find it.
My #BeerReview from 2018: Enjoyed from a 32 oz. growler filled at the brewery in downtown Oklahoma City.
Glorious peachy malt aroma. Pours a dark amber with a slight head.
Flavor is luscious, sweet without being cloying. Lots of great peach flavor. Rich and malty, Slight bit of toastyness.
Extraordinarily good.
Schneider Aventinus
My score: 4.95/5.0
Abbreviated Review: This is the famous dark wheat beer that defines the style for me. I think it would be excellent for pairing with brisket and latkes.
Protip: be sure and swirl the bottle before pouring the last of the beer into your glass, as the yeast sediment is meant to be drank.
Chocolate Babka Pastry Stout from Campanology Brewing -
My score: 4.21/5.0
Quick review: Great price at Trader Joe's. Very dark with big tan head. Flavor is very chocolatey, on the edge of being too sweet. I can taste raisins and port as it warms. Imagine a hot chocolate and stout mashup.
🍺 𝙽𝚘𝚞𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚚𝚞𝚎 | Masterplan par Stewart Brewing
Jour 15 du Calendrier V and B ! Si vous aimez vos IPA résineuses et avec un bonne amertume, cette bière sera l'idéal pour vous !
#craftbeer #scotland #scottish #beerreview #blogger