Im Kühlschrank wartete ein #Autenrieder #Pilsener auf mich. "spritzig, frisch, feinherb" steht auf dem Etikett. Recht hat es in meinen Augen.
Ein schönes kaltes #Feierabendbier, kein besonderes herausragender Geschmack, aber es nennt sich ja auch nicht "craft".
#alkohol #pils #prost #beertoot #biertasting #beer #bier #feierabendbier #pilsener #autenrieder
"Best Brown in Town" indeed. Civil Life's American Brown is a foundational St Louis craft beer.
#stl #beer #publicradio #civillife #beertooter #beertoot
#imGlas "Helles" von Glaabsbräu. Ein gutes #Helles ohne Kanten mit leichter Frische. Daumen hoch.
#bier #beer #biertasting #beertoot #prost #Feierabendbier #beersofmastodon
#beersofmastodon #feierabendbier #prost #beertoot #biertasting #beer #bier #helles #imglas #feierabend
Eigentlich schon seit ner Stunde #Feierabend, aber da war noch Hausarbeit.
Jetzt (nicht) #imGlas (halt in der Flasche): Das #Bockbier der Brauerei Ott.
Eigentlich ganz ok. Mir fehlt aber etwas Körper. Vielleicht zu wenig Kohlensäure. Vielleicht auch Druck, da es "nur" 6,8% hat.
#bier #beer #biertasting #beertoot #prost #Feierabendbier
#feierabendbier #prost #beertoot #biertasting #beer #bier #Bockbier #imglas #feierabend
Haven’t had this for a while, and never from a can. It does not suffer and lives up to the name.
Delicious IPA from Stone Brewing. 7.7% and so smooth as to be dangerous. #beertoot
cc @kaimatai @DaveLaChouffe
I am drinking the HELL out of these which is probably a bad idea on a Thursday. However, I shall continue. #BeerToot
Well, it's a bit too warm for beer so I'm settling down outside with a spiced rum, coconut water cocktail with lemon slices and ice.
Really rather refreshing
Relatedly, just tapped a new keg… Trial by Wombat by Thin Man. Forgive the freshly tapped head.
It’s lovely. This keg will get crushed. #beertoot
On the road trip to funeral. Stopping overnight. Taking time out with a DeepCreek Hazy IPA
On the road trip to funeral. Stopping overnight. Taking time out with a DeepCreek Hazy IPA
@deacondave @Odinsleftnut @DaveLaChouffe @secretlymessy Looks great! Fwiw, I've 'favourited' the #Beertoot hashtag. It's an easy way to keep track of what you and Mike are drinking :)
Juice Force IPA is very juicy. Almost too juicy if you know what I mean. #BeerToot @kaimatai @Odinsleftnut @DaveLaChouffe @secretlymessy
This afternoon's beer is a Hallertau Red Ale. It's rather nice and a good choice for the beginning of 2023.
Cheers, everyone. may this year be full of good news and good health to you all.
And after the lawn mowing, it's time for a Hallertau Pilsner.