Shetland Bumblebee #beesofmastodon #bees #Bumblebee #insects #insectphotography #nature #naturephotography #Shetlandnature #Shetland
#shetland #shetlandnature #naturephotography #nature #insectphotography #insects #bumblebee #bees #beesofmastodon
Hummingbird photobombing my otherwise perfectly good picture of a honeybee.
#BirdsOfMastodon #BeesOfMastodon #Nature #NaturePhotography #Birds #Wildlife #NatureCommunity #Photography #BirdPhotography #BirdWatching
#birdsofmastodon #beesofmastodon #nature #naturephotography #birds #wildlife #naturecommunity #photography #birdphotography #birdwatching #bees #beesofmastodon #bumblebees #insects #bugs #pollinators #pollinator #pollinatorgarden #wildlife #urbanwildlife #YouTube #Youtubevideo #youtubevideos #shortvideo
#shortvideo #youtubevideos #youtubevideo #YouTube #urbanwildlife #WildLife #pollinatorgarden #pollinator #pollinators #bugs #Insects #bumblebees #beesofmastodon #bees
Links to two YouTube videos of wild #bees being #WildBees in & on the squash flowers in the raised garden beds this morning. #Insects #Hymenoptera #BeesOfMastodon #beestodon ~ |||
#beestodon #beesofmastodon #Hymenoptera #Insects #wildbees #bees
Terrible photo but feeling proud because I think these are mating Colletes bees, prob Heather Colletes. I couldn't work out what they were up to, & also confused by the number of nests in a small area when they are clearly "solitary" type bees. Once I'd identified them, it made sense. They like to nest in close proximity, & when new females first fly, the males, who hatched a couple of days before, intercept them as they leave the nest. Chuffed I even managed to get the ID!
Sorry, weer een foto van een bij in de malva 🙃 Maar ik vind het zelf zo'n schattig plaatje iedere keer 🥰
#biodiversity #Gardening #beesofmastodon #tuinleven
Backyard blooms and buzzy bee!
#bloomscrolling #florespondence #beesofmastodon
Deze hommel duikt er helemaal in 😃
Deze hommel zit in de bloem van een kattendoorn, het gele op de achtergrond is kamille.
#tuinleven #Bloomscrolling #Gardening #biodiversity #inheemstuinieren #beesofmastodon
#beesofmastodon #inheemstuinieren #biodiversity #Gardening #Bloomscrolling #tuinleven
Pollinators! There are a ton of #bees out there this morning. Most of them aren't sitting still long enough to get a photo. 😁
#beesofmastodon #bloomscrolling #florespondence #Polinators
#garden #gardening
#gardening #garden #Polinators #florespondence #bloomscrolling #beesofmastodon #bees
So you’re a red arsed #bumblebee worker. You’ve been working the flowers for hours collecting nectar/pollen. You need a bit of ‘me’ time before you return to the hustle and bustle of the nest…
This is how you do it.
Brings to mind the Homer Simpson hedge GIF.
#bees #bumblebees #leek
#beesanctuaryireland #nature
#bumblebee #bees #bumblebees #leek #beesanctuaryireland #nature #naturephotography #NatureBasedSolutions #beesofmastodon
A wild bees (Nomada sp.) on Giannutri Island. 20/03/2023
#wildbees #Giannutri #biodiversity #beediversity #beesofmastodon #islands #nomada #apoidea #memories #pollinators #pollinators
#WildBees #giannutri #biodiversity #beediversity #beesofmastodon #islands #nomada #apoidea #memories #pollinators
'Bienenfleissig' #FotoVorschlag #365Projekt #52Projekt
Archivbild - Archive image.
Inspired by:
#DSLR #Nikon #Fotografie #Photograpy #UrbaneNatur #UrbanNature #bee #bumblebee #Hummel #BeesOfMastodon #InsectsOfMastodon
#fotovorschlag #365projekt #52projekt #dslr #nikon #fotografie #photograpy #urbanenatur #urbannature #bee #bumblebee #hummel #beesofmastodon #insectsofmastodon
More #bees 🐝 🌸🐝🌸🐝🌸🐝
#beesofmastodon #gardening #Nature #Photography
#Photography #Nature #Gardening #beesofmastodon #bees
We changed out the queen's deep super this afternoon, added a new deep super, & put all on a new base board. (Old base board was disgusting.) I think we need a new lid, too! 😅 Geeze... At least they were pretty tame. We were sweatin'. 🥵 #saskatraz #bees #beekeeping #honey #beesofmastodon
#saskatraz #bees #beekeeping #honey #beesofmastodon
Wanna stroke a lovely furry bee? 😊 :bee:
#naturephotography #beesofmastodon
#beesofmastodon #naturephotography
#bienen #beesofmastodon
Auch die ersten Rosen werden gern von Bienen besucht. Hier erste Blüten von Fru Dagmar Hastrup
#beesofmastodon #bees #weltbienentag #worldbeeday #entomology
Guten Morgen! Bei den beiden pelzigen Bienchen auf der Dachpappe vermute ich, dass es Sandbienen sein könnten. Ob es allerdings Rotschopfige oder „Bärtige Sandbienen“ oder doch ganz andere aus der Gattung Andrena sein könnten, vermag ich nicht zu sagen. Ich werde also bei nächster Gelegenheit wieder Ausschau halten. Habt einen angenehmen Sonntag!
#beesofmastodon #bees #weltbienentag #worldbeeday #entomology
#Bees and other pollinators are essential to human food production.
But bees are interesting in many other ways that are less widely known.
Prof. Stephen Buchmann has written a new book, “What a Bee Knows: Exploring the Thoughts, Memories, and Personalities of Bees," drawing on his experience studying bees for more than 50 years.
Here's some of what he's learned (republished by How Stuff Works):
#Science #CoolFacts #BeesOfMastodon
#bees #Science #coolfacts #beesofmastodon
I love dandelions, but I hate the ugly bare stems after all of the wishes fly away, so I was out weed-whacking the ugly bare stems.... when I came upon a FUZZY BEE FRIEND!!! ❤️ 🐝
#Bees #BeeFriend #CarpenterBee #FuzzyBee
#BeesOfMastodon #Gardening
#bees #beefriend #carpenterbee #fuzzybee #beesofmastodon #gardening