A+ photo of #Manchester's new #Meadowside mega-project, taken from #BeethamTower (2), in area of iconic 19thC slum #AngelsMeadow, called "hell on earth" by #Engels. 'Manc-hattan', a new horror, says @ollywainwright, 2019: https://amp.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2019/oct/21/welcome-to-manc-hattan-how-the-city-sold-its-soul-for-luxury-skyscrapers. Bright satanic mills? #MancHattan
RT @dobraszczyk
When I last went up to Cloud 23 in t…
#manchester #meadowside #beethamtower #angelsmeadow #engels #manchattan
Another way of looking at the city #Manchester #uk #photography #canal #bridges #architecture #BridgewaterCanal #boats #reflections #water #BeethamTower
#manchester #uk #photography #Canal #bridges #architecture #bridgewatercanal #boats #reflections #water #beethamtower
Tonight's #boredatbusstop photo was of the Beetham Tower looming over the Deansgate-Castlefield tram stop.
#manchester #manchesteratnight #beethamtower
#boredatbusstop #manchester #manchesteratnight #beethamtower
Last night, I waited 20 minutes for a bus that was either 13 minutes late or the next bus bang on time.
While bored at the bus stop, I snapped a littler cousin of Manchester's current tallest building and the disgruntled former title holder.
#randomness #deansgatesquareeasttower #beethamtower #manchester #mcr #manchesteratnight
#randomness #deansgatesquareeasttower #beethamtower #manchester #mcr #manchesteratnight